Scientist: Military Working on Cyborg Spy Moths


New Member
Mister, that is just wrong. Man aint got no business foolin with nature. I bein a scientist and all have no problem using animals for research and stuff but I got to draw the line at foolin around with the nerve system of a bug. I am terrified to imagine the havock a whole swarm of crazed robot months could cause. Wool sweaters ever where would be in danger. I bet those uneithical scientists in the goverment are even armin those moths with eyes that shoot death rays. Ever seen a moths eye under a microscope? They got like a hundred eyes and they could shoot lasers out of all of them.

Yup they done gone and created a whole swarm of crazy flying laser totin moths they might not be able to control. I's goin out right now and and take the bulb out of the porch light so I don't draw any of them down here. I also hope I don't catch one of those armored moths on the windscreen of momma Ruggs Cordova. I bet it will bust a hole clean through it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
StanleyRugg said:
Mister, that is just wrong. Man aint got no business foolin with nature. I bein a scientist and all have no problem using animals for research and stuff but I got to draw the line at foolin around with the nerve system of a bug. I am terrified to imagine the havock a whole swarm of crazed robot months could cause. Wool sweaters ever where would be in danger. I bet those uneithical scientists in the goverment are even armin those moths with eyes that shoot death rays. Ever seen a moths eye under a microscope? They got like a hundred eyes and they could shoot lasers out of all of them.

Yup they done gone and created a whole swarm of crazy flying laser totin moths they might not be able to control. I's goin out right now and and take the bulb out of the porch light so I don't draw any of them down here. I also hope I don't catch one of those armored moths on the windscreen of momma Ruggs Cordova. I bet it will bust a hole clean through it.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Reading the entire article, Terminator may be on the horizon.
Brooks said that the military would be increasingly reliant on "semi-autonomous" devices, including ones which could fire.

"The DoD has said it wants one-third of all missions to be unmanned by 2015, and there's no doubt their things will become weaponized, so the question comes: Should they be given targeting authority?"

"The prevailing view in the army at the moment seems to be that they shouldn't," he said, "but perhaps it's time to consider updating treaties like the Geneva Convention to include clauses which regulate their use."


Lovin' being Texican
Sparx said:
If we are reading about it today, how far along is it in reality?

It's at about the nocturnal-emission stage. (had to tone down the descriptive term a little.)


I'm Rick James #####!
Sparx said:
If we are reading about it today, how far along is it in reality?

Probably farther along than you'd expect. Google "radio control cockroach" and similar topics. You'll find several SUCCESSFUL efforts to guide a cockroach like a radio control car/plane and one or two where they're attempting to use models of cockroach neural systems to fly UAV's...