Scientists ask if You'd Rather Have Sex, Booze, Wi-Fi or Chocolate


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What's More Important than Sex, Chocolate or Alcohol? Wi-Fi, According to a New iPass Report

REDWOOD SHORES, CA--(Marketwired - Nov 15, 2016) - iPass Inc. (NASDAQ: IPAS), the leading provider of global mobile connectivity, today revealed the results of The iPass Mobile Professional Report 2016. iPass surveyed more than 1,700 mobile professionals worldwide about their connectivity habits and preferences, highlighting the ever-increasing influence of Wi-Fi on our daily lives.

Key findings include:

•40 percent of respondents chose Wi-Fi as their number one daily essential, designating it as a higher priority than sex (37 percent), chocolate (14 percent) and alcohol (9 percent)


New Member
No surprise here....

Not too long ago they did a study among young adults as to whether they would pay their electric bill or their cell phone bill if they only had the money to pay one of them.

Guess which one they chose? :rolleyes:

Of course... none of them had the foresight to think "What happens when my phone battery dies? :lmao: