Scientists create northern white rhino embryos in milestone that could save the species from extinction


PREMO Member
Scientists and conservationists have successfully created two northern white rhino embryos in a milestone that could save the species from the brink of extinction.

“We are happy to announce that two northern white rhino embryos have been successfully matured and fertilised,” the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya tweeted Wednesday. “This development marks a turning point in the race to save the northern white rhino from near extinction!”



Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
On a silly note, I expect all the 2020 presidential Dem candidates to come out against this story tonight at the debate. With the Dems/libs this is no doubt once again a case of white privilege....

On a serious note, such great, great news. Let's hope for successful births down the road.

Thanks for posting!

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