Scientists Identify Likely Cause of Mysterious Children’s Liver Disease


PREMO Member
🔬 CNBC ran a story yesterday about a new pediatric hepatitis study, headlined “Scientists Identify Likely Cause of Mysterious Children’s Liver Disease.”

Whew. Glad we figured THAT out.

The researchers came up with a surprising conclusion. They ruled out covid and the shots. Instead, they decided the cause of the crippling pediatric hepatitis outbreak was … lockdowns. LOCKDOWNS. Nearly 40% of the hospitalized cases — mostly children under 5 years old — needed ICU treatment, and about 5% — 1 in 20 — needed liver transplants.

Specifically, in separate studies published Tuesday, two UK research teams both concluded that infants may have missed out on developing immunities to two linked viruses: adenovirus and adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2), because of lockdown restrictions.

Some people were warning right from the jump that locking kids down, strapping masks over their tiny faces, and dousing them in hand sanitizer might — maybe — make them MORE vulnerable to disease. But the experts overruled us. Put them in bubbles!

At some point we may need to have a delicate conversation about exactly what should be done about all the so-called experts who pushed lockdowns and school closures so hard. The Lord sayeth vengeance is His and everything, it’s hard but that’s the rule, but that still doesn’t mean we have to keep listening to media-appointed “experts.” We can cancel them, right?



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Brings to mind the old saying, you will eat a peck of dirt before you die.
Without letting kids get dirty, exposed to mild infectious agents, their bodies do build up immunity properly.

How has "modern" society lost wisdom about life?


PREMO Member

We locked children down too long & hard & denied their IMMUNE system training (innate antibodies/immune system) needed)

Parents, pay attention please:

By locking children down and closing schools the insane way we did, we prevented children from sharing virus among themselves, infecting each other, and taxing and toning and tuning up their developing immune systems. This study is clearly showing us what happens due to the lockdowns.

The vast majority of these afflicted children are under 5 years old. Detected in plasma of all the sample, 9 out of 9 children, the adeno-associated virus. We see small sample size but the clarity of the data and the completeness is staggering. Though we still be cautious in the non-peer reviewed status at this time.

Fauci and Birx et al. caused this hepatitis devastation. They prevented the immune system of children the proper development at the proper time (window of opportunity) due to their lockdown lunacy and we are now seeing the impact and will see more, especially if we vaccinate with the COVID vaccine.

Due to post lockdowns, it is likely that children are now being devastated with two common viruses spreading among children e.g. Acute non-A-E paediatric hepatitis and adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2).