Scientists Say That PMS Is A Myth


Lawful neutral
Is PMS a Myth? |

For many women, premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a familiar preamble to their monthly cycle. But a new review of the data suggests that mood changes aren’t as closely tied to menses as many have assumed.


aka Mrs. Giant
After reading the article, the title is very misleading.

Yes, women have PMS, just not all women.

And those women with PMS have varying degrees of mood swings.

So therefore the "scientist" is saying women do not have PMS in the traditional sense. Whatever the heck that means.

It appears the "scientist" didn't actually do any studies herself, she just reviewed previous studies.

It also appears that this "scientist" has an agenda, because she calls PMS sexist. :rolleyes:

And therefore, what we have here is junk science and it should have been disregarded and Time shouldn't have even considered running an article about it.
After reading the article, the title is very misleading.

Yes, women have PMS, just not all women.

And those women with PMS have varying degrees of mood swings.

So therefore the "scientist" is saying women do not have PMS in the traditional sense. Whatever the heck that means.

It appears the "scientist" didn't actually do any studies herself, she just reviewed previous studies.

It also appears that this "scientist" has an agenda, because she calls PMS sexist. :rolleyes:

And therefore, what we have here is junk science and it should have been disregarded and Time shouldn't have even considered running an article about it.

If I saw this woman in.... 8 days.... she would see what PMS was. I would kill her and make it look like an accident. :coffee: How's that for a PMS moodswing. :mad: