Scientists thought snakes didn’t have clitorises. They were wrong


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The discovery reveals that the sex lives of snakes may be more complex than previously thought

Female snakes have clitorises too, a new study finds.

The research raises the possibility that the sex lives of snakes are more complicated and diverse than previously understood, researchers report December 14 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Clitorises are found in a wide range of vertebrate life, from crocodiles to dolphins (SN: 1/10/22). One exception is birds, which lost their clitorises over the course of their evolution. Female snakes appeared to have lost the sex organ too, which was puzzling, since their close lizard relatives possess paired clitorises, called hemiclitorises. Male lizards and snakes have accompanying paired phalli, or hemipenises.



Well-Known Member
I have a what?


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Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I bet it was a female scientist that found it.

Because you know the male scientists would have had a very difficult time locating it.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I bet it was a female scientist that found it.

Because you know the male scientists would have had a very difficult time locating it.
I keep hearing things like this and just can't imagine. There must me some really, really lame guys out there.