What is Scientology anyway. I keep reading articles talking about 'getting to higher levels' and 'auits'.......what are they talking about?
Why are celebs paying millions of dollars to 'confess their sins' and to whom are they confessing them. kinda strange.
Well…since you asked:
“Also called the Church of Scientology, or Dianetics. Founded in 1934 by the late L. Ron Hubbard, sometimes called Elron. Background is science fiction and Buddhism.”
“God is irrelevant. Thetans (men’s souls) are all gods. Jesus was not God, but He had a ‘strong energy glow.’
Man is good, ‘utterly incapable of error.’ Man’s reason will produce perfect behavior. The Bible is of no use.
Scientology teaches reincarnation; the Thetan has existed for trillions of years and has gone through countless bodies in countless solar systems.
Salvation comes only through its psychoanalysis therapy sessions (auditing) with a crude lie detector; the series of sessions can cost up to $30,000.00.
The authoritative book is Hubbard’s Dianetics;
The Modern Science of Mental Health.
Hubbard also wrote
The Way To Happiness. Publishes
Freedom magazine,
The Auditor, and
International headquarters is in Sussex, England. North American headquarters is in Tampa, Florida. Its International Training and Retreat Center is in Clearwater, Florida.
Narconon International drug detoxification centers in several cities use Hubbard’s Purification Program, emphasizing vitamins, sauna, auditing, and exercise to help the drug user rid himself of the need for drugs. This program is described in
Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs by Hubbard.
Kirstie Alley, of ‘Cheers’ television series fame, is an adherent, having gone through the Narconon Program.
Applied Scholastics, a firm connected to the Church, offers communications courses to corporations using techniques developed by the Church. Other front groups include Flag Service Organization in Florida, Owl Management, Sterling Management, Singer and Associates, Stellar Management, Uptrends, Way of Happiness (‘Set a Good Example Contest’), and WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises).
Since Hubbard’s death in 1986, The Church of Scientology has republished his works, including his science fiction books.”
A Concise Dictionary of Cults & Religions, by William Watson (Page 205)
Moody Press (1991)