

Well-Known Member
Is anyone familiar with this condition? We think my mother may have it. The overall itching is making her crazy. Nothing so far has helped. Any suggestions? TY


Active Member
Is anyone familiar with this condition? We think my mother may have it. The overall itching is making her crazy. Nothing so far has helped. Any suggestions? TY
Go to the Doctor for a true diagnosis, and discuss treatment options. I really feel for your Mother, as this is not a nice diagnosis. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Go to the Doctor for a true diagnosis, and discuss treatment options. I really feel for your Mother, as this is not a nice diagnosis. Good luck.

We have been to primary care, dermatologist, allergist, rheumatologist and back again. Everyone is stumped. But her blood work has high numbers on the scleroderma. She is also taking low dose of zanax. It is kicking her butt (and us too watching her suffer).