Scouting for Food


Just a reminder if you found a plastic "Scouting for Food" bag on your doorknob last week to fill it with non-persihable food stuff and place it out on your front steps early tomorrow morning.

All food collected in the Southern Maryland area stays in this area and is distributed to local area soup kitchens, food banks and food pantries.

For many of these organizations this food drive provides a major portion of their supplies over the needy holiday season.



Cari - that is okay (though the bag should they left should have told you what it was on the outside of it). If you can still leave food in any other type of bag or box and the scouts should take it.

John Z

if you will
Alex, is that just in St. Mary's County? I don't recall getting a bag on my door up in Chuck County....


PREMO Member
Originally posted by alex
Just a reminder if you found a plastic "Scouting for Food" bag on your doorknob last week to fill it with non-persihable food stuff and place it out on your front steps early tomorrow morning.

All food collected in the Southern Maryland area stays in this area and is distributed to local area soup kitchens, food banks and food pantries.

For many of these organizations this food drive provides a major portion of their supplies over the needy holiday season.

Would they rather have chilli with or without the beans?


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: Scouting for Food

Originally posted by DoWhat
Would they rather have chilli with or without the beans?

if it's with beans, just toss in some Beano or GasX as a 'chaser' :wink:


Okay the bags went out in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's. Unfortunately there aren't enough scouts to do every door in all three counties. Some boys may be standing outside supermarkets (especially Safeways in Charles & Calvert) handing customer's bags as they go into shop, asking them to fill them and drop them off on their way out.

If you didn't get a bag and still want to donate I know in St. Mary's there will be scouts delivering food to St. Pauls UMC in Leonardtown, Immaculate Heart and Lexington Park Baptist in Lexington Park. If you get there before noon you can always drop a bag of food off there.

As for what to put in, I see all types of canned veggies, pasta, rice, soups, boxes of cereal, etc. Some of the stuff gets used by the soup kitchens, others are used to create both day to day bags of food as well as special bags for holidays. The stuff you shouldn't put in are homemade jams, etc. since some places automatically trash that stuff. My rule of thumb is what would I want to see in my bag if I needed that help.

PS - Scouting for Food is a national event that started out as a Eagle scout project for some boy.
The bag also says no glass containers. So no jars of Ragu etc.
I live in Lusby and always get the scouting bag. This year was kinda nice since instead of just leaving it at my door, two scouts knocked on my door (with their dads looking on from the driveway) and gave me their spiel which was cute.

mrs potts

Don't forget, there is also the food pantry at Catholic Charities - St. Clements Family Center. Located in Avenue, MD but they serve areas in St. Mary's County!!