lepgirl said:I was wondering how everyone here goes about cleaning their Cd's and Dvd's. I have quite a few Dvd's that are scratched and I would like to know how to go about removing the scratches. TIA!
lepgirl said:I was wondering how everyone here goes about cleaning their Cd's and Dvd's. I have quite a few Dvd's that are scratched and I would like to know how to go about removing the scratches. TIA!
Car wax (non gritty kind) will do the same thing...beerlover said:My son uses something called a DiscDr on his playstation discs with good result. He got it at WalMart for under $20. You put the disc in the device, put a few drops of cleaner on it, then close it up and crank the handle and VOILA - clean disc. It doesn't actually remove the scratches, but it cleans it enough to be read.
beerlover said:My son uses something called a DiscDr on his playstation discs with good result. He got it at WalMart for under $20. You put the disc in the device, put a few drops of cleaner on it, then close it up and crank the handle and VOILA - clean disc. It doesn't actually remove the scratches, but it cleans it enough to be read.
If not used EXACTLY as instructed it will also grind some serious scratches into your discs making them unreadable..beerlover said:My son uses something called a DiscDr on his playstation discs with good result. He got it at WalMart for under $20. You put the disc in the device, put a few drops of cleaner on it, then close it up and crank the handle and VOILA - clean disc. It doesn't actually remove the scratches, but it cleans it enough to be read.
I have one and it did well repairing a CD that had some scratches on it that was causing it to skip. It doesn't work well if the scratches are deep, though.MDChick said:DiscDr FTW! I've successfully repaired about a dozen discs to date. It doesn't just clean, it actually DOES remove scratches. Do yourself a favor and get the motorized version though. And I'm not sure how one could mess it up, exactly.
I've heard itsbob IS good at spaying.You just spay the disk well with solution and pop it into the machine. Even itsbob could handle that!
Sorry have to call :BS: on this one..Two-er said:Try the stuff at the top of this link. Not only removes scratches but makes new CD's sound better. The stuff was developed by the same guy who designed the F-16 fighter jet.
Don't think 1 guy designed the F-16.Two-er said:The stuff was developed by the same guy who designed the F-16 fighter jet.
aps45819 said:Don't think 1 guy designed the F-16.
I guess it's possible, since Al Gore invented the internet.