Well-Known Member
These people are filthy, low-life, disgusting animals. By "these people," I mean politcians. The criminals don't even merit that distinction.
"JB Pritzker Hears the Scream, Cries Racism
It’s hard to watch that ad without being moved by the woman’s terror. That scream cuts through to your soul. But not for Gov. JB Priztker. Instead, he pulled the race card in response:"“It’s a terrible commercial. They’ve chosen a particular crime in which there was a white woman who was the victim and apparently black perpetrators. That’s the ad they want people to see, particularly in the suburbs.”
Scream That Triggered the Illinois Governor - Victory Girls Blog
The scream of a woman attacked in Chicago showed IL Gov. Pritzker something he didn't like: that crime in Chicago is out of control.