Sea Fighter


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hey Gilligan. A new video but old information.

The one photo looks like it was taken during sea trials.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Lots of changes to that girl since we first designed and built her....
pic of the massive interior cargo deck when former Sec of the Navy John Lehman stopped by to have a chat...and I still carry that backpack around the world all these years later.
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Gilligan, I may ping you for some advice one day. I'm building a 8 to 10 foot hydro in the anticipated 60-70 mph range. I want to see what a mile per minute feels like on a "belly board". Kind of a bucket list thing. The work you guys do intrigues me.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
We (our company) were part of the integrated project (IPT) durng design and construction of the vessel. Made lots of trips to Whidby Island, WA, where she was built. Along with that, we designed, manufactured aand delivered the complete stabilization package: titanium bow foils and steering skegs and aluminum transom imterceptors, hydraulics, electronic controls, etc. All of that activity is managed here on St. George's Island, and the electronics and some other hardware is produced here too. The titanium stuff was manufactured in Indiana and our hydraulic systems are put together in York PA.

Being on the bridge when she's doing 52 knots is a neat experience, for sure.

Wash, rinse, repeat....we've been involved in about 150 vessel design/build projects scattered around the world. Currently delivering stabilization systems for offshore wind support vessels being built in Taiwan, and for some US Navy prototypes.
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I bowl overhand
How do you do that - visit them, or work on them in your shop, shipyards. I went someplace up north - can't remember where, to see the progress on one of our Navy ships. When you think about that and how big they are - it's really a marvel how it all comes together. And to be a part of it - must be a real sense of pride knowing that - ownership feeling I would imagine.

Newfound respect for you guys. Glad I found that out. Thank you.
North of here?? Maine??


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I never would have thunk that. How did you get into it?

By accident really. I was almost desperately trying to leave my job as a rocket propulsion engineer at Indian Head ("why" is a story for another time) and was applying for anything local that looked even remotely interesting. Job opening at a marine engineering company in Lex Park came up and I got it. That was in 1987.