
Larry Gude

Strung Out screwed on a couple of those away from the ball ticky tac illegal contact calls. This is, suppossedly, the residue, the un-intended consequence of the non calls in the Colts/Pats championship game last year; over reaction.

Of course, Seattle got away with a bunch as well, especially when that DB threw the Rams reciever halfway into the bleachers on the last drive.

Sloppy, sloppy game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Marty screwed up...

...he was TOTALLY wrong and really hurt his team when he lost his cool on the roughing the kicker no call.

He was also CRAZY to not try and get closer for the rookie to kick the game winner. They were ROLLING. LT was unstoppable running wide. He was taking over.

For the Jet's, #50 is the lucky man award winner. His roughing on Hasselback wasn't even close. All time bone head play.

Back to Hasselback. I love this guy. He plays with so much heart. Good arm, and on the last play he was finished and still found a way to get rid of the ball. Ingram shoulda caught that thing!

I like Herm Edwards though so I'm OK with the Jet's plus Pennignton gets to 'how do you like me now?' with the NY media some more. That's always fun!