

I wanna be a SMIB
I am in need of a driveway sealcoating company. I need someone to do just a small section so a small independent co might be the way to go. No BIG company is going to want to mess with this small job. Anyone have a recommendation? Perhaps someone you know or hired. Phone numbers? Thanks in advance.


I wanna be a SMIB
ServiceGuy said:
Swing by Lowes buy a few buckets and DIY. They have everything you need to do the job. :whistle:

Its for my boss and our driveway at work. There is a big dip near the front where water collects. He doesnt want to do it himself. Some little mexican guy came around a few months back but we dont have his name.
baileydog said:
Its for my boss and our driveway at work. There is a big dip near the front where water collects. He doesnt want to do it himself. Some little mexican guy came around a few months back but we dont have his name.
Have him give THIS GUY a call...:yay:


New Member
Was he driving a red truck? If so be careful you get what you pay for. If a low spot is the real problem, you might need more than seal coating.


Gone Crazy
baileydog said:
I am in need of a driveway sealcoating company. I need someone to do just a small section so a small independent co might be the way to go. No BIG company is going to want to mess with this small job. Anyone have a recommendation? Perhaps someone you know or hired. Phone numbers? Thanks in advance.

Check your PM'er.


I wanna be a SMIB
ServiceGuy said:
Was he driving a red truck? If so be careful you get what you pay for. If a low spot is the real problem, you might need more than seal coating.

Yes you are right, I was mistaken. We need asphault.


New Member
Copenhaver Asphalt and Sealcoating
301-373-3430; 301-737-0909; 301-862-2749
Residential and Commercial


New Member
Md Home Improv License Req'd

Just a quick note to homeowners: The State of MD requires all contractors to have a Home Improvement License for Asphalt Paving and Sealcoating on all Residential D/way's.

If you have someone come out (door to door sales); they must have MHIC number; it's the LAW.

BEWARE. Cheap prices = Less Quality Product with no Guarentee.


Baby blues
:mad: this thread just reminded me that the hubby and I have to seal coat our driveway...for the first time...soon. :bawl: The buckets of seal coating he bought sit in my garage and mock me... day after day!

I have a distinct feeling that next year I will be paying someone else to do it.