Sean Payton sticks it to Jerry Jones


Football addict

I smell a nice rivalry cooking.

On Friday night, the Saints' staff at the combine gathered in a private room at St. Elmo Steakhouse, an 108-year-old Indy landmark, for a final celebratory nod to the Super Bowl win over the Colts. This is a group that likes its wine, and likes to have fun.

At the restaurant, word passed that Dallas owner Jerry Jones would have his Dallas group in this exact room Saturday night for a team dinner. Jones had even phoned ahead, according to a waiter, to make sure a magnum of a wine he loved, Caymus Special Selection cabernet sauvignon, was ready to be served at dinner.

Sean Payton told the waiter he'd like to have that wine, too. The waiter told him: Sorry, sir. We have only one bottle left, and it's reserved for Mr. Jones.

Payton said he'd like to have the bottle nonetheless. I assume there was much angst on the part of the wait staff at that point. My God! Who do we piss off? One of the most powerful owners in the NFL, or the coach who's the toast of the NFL, the coach who just won the Super Bowl?

Here came the bottle of Caymus Special Selection, and the Saints' party drained it.

But drinking Jones' wine wasn't enough. Payton gave the waiter some instructions, took out his pen ... and, well, the Cowboys party found at the middle of their table the next evening an empty magnum of Caymus Special Selection cabernet sauvignon, with these words hand-written on the fancy label:

World Champions XLIV
Sean Payton

That's the kind of thing Jones will get a big laugh out of. And remember.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
:lol: I like it..Think Jones would take that well...Snyder would have sent out a hit man.

Agreed. Some people like the competition and the fun jabs and are OK with getting the short end some times because it makes winning...worth it. Maybe that's Jones, maybe not but, that is what I would guess he'd be like.

I imagine Snyder would have had all the wait staff thrown in a dungeon, bought the restaurant and turned it into a radio station. :lol:


No Longer the Kid
Agreed. Some people like the competition and the fun jabs and are OK with getting the short end some times because it makes winning...worth it. Maybe that's Jones, maybe not but, that is what I would guess he'd be like.

I imagine Snyder would have had all the wait staff thrown in a dungeon, bought the restaurant and turned it into a radio station. :lol:


Now, ya'll need to remember Sean used to work for Jerry before he took the job in the N.O, and he left on good terms...

As for Synder, that would be excellent :lol: