Sean Shelby Takes Over Matchmaking for Strikeforce


nothing unreal exists
According to several sources, former WEC matchmaker Sean Shelby has now taken over the matchmaking duties at Strikeforce.

Shelby was the lead matchmaker at the WEC when the organization merged with the UFC, where he was handling the matchmaking duties for the smaller weight classes alongside longtime UFC matchmaker Joe Silva.

Former WEC Matchmaker Sean Shelby Takes Over Matchmaking for Strikeforce |

Looks like business as usual for SF, with some minor tweeks along the way? I actually think this is a good move by Zuffa. WEC fights were always set up pretty well. SF on the other hand always seemed to give title shots to people who didn't deserve them. Obviously SF has always lacked the depth to make a whole ton of good fights in most weights which is why I don't see it lasting as long as WEC did before they are folded under the UFC Banner.