Searching for Local Information on the Web


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Dear Southern Maryland residents,

The University of Colorado Denver invites you to participate in a study of local information search experience.

Looking for local information on the Web can be time-consuming and frustrating. Our goal is to identify the best blend of information source that meets your needs so better systems can be designed. Your opinion is most valuable in helping us achieve this goal.

Your participation is voluntary and all information is confidential.

The survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete. If you are 18 or older, living in the United States, and have ever searched for local information on the Web, please participate in this survey by visiting:

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Li-ling Hsu
Ph.D. Student, Information Systems
University of Colorado Denver

P.S. This research is University of Colorado Denver HSRC Protocol #: 09-0670.