

..if momma ain't happy...
Been seeing the commercials on TV and am really intrigued with the idea of 4 periods a year. Found some info on a google seach, makes it sound like there are lots of side effects. Any input?


Well-Known Member
my-thyme said:
Been seeing the commercials on TV and am really intrigued with the idea of 4 periods a year. Found some info on a google seach, makes it sound like there are lots of side effects. Any input?

I talked to the docs about it, and they said the risks weren't really any higher that with regular pills. I don't really like the thought of changing my body that much though. I was on the patch, and had been hearing lots of bad stuff from it, so I switched to a low-dose pill and love that even more. My Aunt Flo really isn't all that bad anyways, so I don't mind the once a month visit.

Just talk to your doctor about it. If you have a really hard time with your Aunt Flo then maybe that's something to consider, but ask about risks for the future as well as side effects. You know, getting enough exercise really helps lessen the pain-in-the-ass-ness Aunt Flo causes.


I have taken Seasonale for two years. I have had maybe one period a year! My body has not changed at all. Doc says its ok not to have the period so I'm like YAY!!!! I will never take anything else! Also, they have a generic of it now too so its cheaper then it was! :howdy:


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thats awesome about the generic. I take the generic for ortho-novum but i take 9 weeks of the pill then 1 wk of the placebo. I would have a bad visit with Aunt Flo when she came every month. This has helped out alot. I'd love the lessen her visits. I plan on talking to my Dr. when I go next month.


I've been on it for 3 years now and have had no problems thus far. You have your typical side effects with any other pill...smoking can cause blood clots etc....I love it :yay:


Walking for a cure!!
I have been on it for about 3 years. I like the seasonale, but i just switched to Seasonique. Same basis, but during the week where you normally take the fake pills, you get a very low dose of estrogen. My GYN said it might help with the pain. We will see what happens


..if momma ain't happy...
I've now been on Seasonique for 4 months...pain that I was having before is GONE!!! The doc says since I am not a smoker, it's OK to just keep taking the high dose and not have a period at all...YEAH! :yahoo:


I've now been on Seasonique for 4 months...pain that I was having before is GONE!!! The doc says since I am not a smoker, it's OK to just keep taking the high dose and not have a period at all...YEAH! :yahoo:

:huggy: I am so glad it worked for you!