

New Member
Is anyone here taking Seasonique? What experiences have you had? Good and Bad?
Ive been spotting for three months and my doctor thinks this may help. :howdy:


Is anyone here taking Seasonique? What experiences have you had? Good and Bad?
Ive been spotting for three months and my doctor thinks this may help. :howdy:

I take Seasonale, which I think they changed to Seasonique. Not sure though. I rarely get a period at all. I went a year and a half without one. I have been on this pill for at least 7 yrs. if not longer. I seem to be fine, but you do go through some hormone changes. I did get some brown splotches on my face but they have faded away, I still get hot flashes but the doc is not sure if its the pill causing that or if its the change of life. I love the pill, and it has certainly been worth the few side effects I've suffered. I say go for it! :yay:


New Member
I take Seasonale, which I think they changed to Seasonique. Not sure though. I rarely get a period at all. I went a year and a half without one. I have been on this pill for at least 7 yrs. if not longer. I seem to be fine, but you do go through some hormone changes. I did get some brown splotches on my face but they have faded away, I still get hot flashes but the doc is not sure if its the pill causing that or if its the change of life. I love the pill, and it has certainly been worth the few side effects I've suffered. I say go for it! :yay:

Thanks,.... I guess I will start on Sunday. Everything that I read online was negative. It's good to hear some positive.


Walking for a cure!!
I love it!! I was on Seasonal for a couple of years, and still had pretty bad cramps. About a year ago, my doc switched me over to Seasonique, and it did help. The wonderful bonus is that you only get 4 periods a year :yahoo:.
I love it!! I was on Seasonal for a couple of years, and still had pretty bad cramps. About a year ago, my doc switched me over to Seasonique, and it did help. The wonderful bonus is that you only get 4 periods a year :yahoo:.

:bawl: I have TERRIBLE cramps RIGHT NOW :bawl:


New Member
I take Seasonale, which I think they changed to Seasonique. Not sure though. I rarely get a period at all. I went a year and a half without one. I have been on this pill for at least 7 yrs. if not longer. I seem to be fine, but you do go through some hormone changes. I did get some brown splotches on my face but they have faded away, I still get hot flashes but the doc is not sure if its the pill causing that or if its the change of life. I love the pill, and it has certainly been worth the few side effects I've suffered. I say go for it! :yay:

My boobs are killing me. Did you have sensitive boobs when you started taking it? I also notice that I am not sleeping well.


My boobs are killing me. Did you have sensitive boobs when you started taking it? I also notice that I am not sleeping well.

Oh Lord sweety it's been so long ago I couldn't tell you! But I'm sure it will get better once your body adjusts. Just hang in there it could take a whole pack for you to adjust. Warm compresses will help your boobs, and Melatonin will help with your sleep, but ask your doc before taking it. Even though it is all natural you have to be careful when you take it with other meds. :huggy:


Well-Known Member

My boobs are killing me. Did you have sensitive boobs when you started taking it? I also notice that I am not sleeping well.

D1VA, I am currently reading a book that you might be interested in. Its called "Natural Hormone Balance for Women" by Uzzi Reiss, MD.

Its very interesting and once I'm done reading it I will be looking for a doctor that will be willing to check my hormones. So far I have asked my female Dr. and also a GYN NP and they both told me they can't check my hormones since I am still menstruating. I don't believe that. Good luck with things.
Is anyone here taking Seasonique? What experiences have you had? Good and Bad?
Ive been spotting for three months and my doctor thinks this may help. :howdy:

Sounds like something you use on your skin before going out into the sun..... Baked or Fried?


Isaiah 55:8-9
I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and ever since I am miserable.
I PMS like I never have before. My boobs hurt so bad I can't put a bra on let alone sleep on them (I am a belly sleeper). I bleed so heavy for the first 3 days and I pass clots the size of silver dollars.
My skin breaks out right before I start and a week before I start I get very oily skin.
Urghhh, the only reason I hate being a woman!


I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and ever since I am miserable.
I PMS like I never have before. My boobs hurt so bad I can't put a bra on let alone sleep on them (I am a belly sleeper). I bleed so heavy for the first 3 days and I pass clots the size of silver dollars.
My skin breaks out right before I start and a week before I start I get very oily skin.
Urghhh, the only reason I hate being a woman!

You need to talk to your GYN they may put you on the seasonique just to help you with your hormones. That's why they put me on the seasonale, my husband is fixed.


Ummmmm ....

I just started taking it about three weeks ago. I have been taking Seasonale for about 5 years and then I finally switched over to the generic version (Seasonique) this month. One benefit of Seasonique is the price. I paid $60 for my prescription each time I picked it up. I was super happy when I picked up Seasonique and it cost me a whopping $15.

I haven't had any issues with the pills. Like I mentioned, I've been on it for three weeks and two days. I've had a few little pimples pop up (I never ever get pimples) but they're not bad. Also, I did notice that my appetite changed a bit at the end of my first week - I started eating more. And my boobs were sore for a while .... I have had a cramp here or there, but I've figured that it's because my body is just getting used to the medicine.

I heard horror stories about Seasonique too ... and I was afraid to switch to the generic version, but $15 for my prescription was enough to convince me to try it.



I just started taking it about three weeks ago. I have been taking Seasonale for about 5 years and then I finally switched over to the generic version (Seasonique) this month. One benefit of Seasonique is the price. I paid $60 for my prescription each time I picked it up. I was super happy when I picked up Seasonique and it cost me a whopping $15.

I haven't had any issues with the pills. Like I mentioned, I've been on it for three weeks and two days. I've had a few little pimples pop up (I never ever get pimples) but they're not bad. Also, I did notice that my appetite changed a bit at the end of my first week - I started eating more. And my boobs were sore for a while .... I have had a cramp here or there, but I've figured that it's because my body is just getting used to the medicine.

I heard horror stories about Seasonique too ... and I was afraid to switch to the generic version, but $15 for my prescription was enough to convince me to try it.

Can I ask you what the name of your generic version of seasonique? I also have been taking a generic version, but mine was supposedly seasonale.


Ummmmm ....
Can I ask you what the name of your generic version of seasonique? I also have been taking a generic version, but mine was supposedly seasonale.

Ok ... nevermind ...
Apparently I'm completely off.
Seasonale is what I was taking. Apparently my doctors office just decided to switch my medicine completely .... Now I'm taking Seasonique which seems to be a completely different birth control.

Generic Version of seasonale is quasense.

It looks like the makers of Seasonale make Seasonique - It's Barr Pharmaceuticals. It looks like they created Seasonique after the three year exclusive right to Seasonale expired and they are really pushing Seasonique as an alternative choice to Seasonale.

Also, it looks like someone is trying to create a generic version of Seasonique, but Barr Pharmaceuticals holds the right to exclusively sell Seasonique for three years and then generic versions can be made .... Apparently there's a law suit against some other pharm company for patent infringement. TMI, I know. Sorry.

I dunno ... damn pharmaceutical companies/