Excerpt from Grassfire.org email. Time to secure our borders is NOW.
President Bush said yesterday (Monday) that he understands the burden illegal immigration puts on border states, and vows to work with local and state government to enforce the border laws.
Even though Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas are bearing the worst of the illegal immigration crisis, lawmakers from many non-border states are also beginning to see the strain illegal immigration is having on their states as well.
"People ignored our pleas for years," said Sen. John Kyl (R-AZ) referring to fellow members of Congress. "Everybody now recognizes that we need to deal with it."
+ + Emergency Petition Delivery Announced
In light of the President's pledge, and John Kyl's statement, Grassfire wants to mobilize and present at least 200,000 "Secure our Border" petitions to both the White House and Sen. Kyl during the first week of September.
As of today, Grassfire is about 10,000 petitions shy of our presentation goal, and we are asking ALL who stand for secured borders to take immediate action with us to rally the critically needed extra support we need to make a significant impact with this presentation.
Demand our borders are secured by clicking here:
We are so close to reaching our goal!