Security Tip


Yeee hawww
Keep a watch out for people standing near you at retail stores,
restaurants, grocery stores, etc., that have a cell phone in hand.

With the new camera cell phones, they can take a picture of your credit card, which gives them your name, number, and expiration date. Identification theft is one of the fastest growing scams today, and this is just another example of the means that are being used. So ... be aware of your surroundings.


Happy Camper!
But do these camera phones actually have that great of resolution to take a good photo of your cc from a few feet (like 2 or 3) away?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by tys_mommy
But do these camera phones actually have that great of resolution to take a good photo of your cc from a few feet (like 2 or 3) away?
Check snopes.


Yeee hawww
Originally posted by Sharon
Check snopes.

This isnt a "snope" it came from my FSO (Facility Security Officer) for my company.

Yes these camers can...I know friends who have them and they do come out quite would be surprised.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Don't let that fool you. You'll see 'urban legend' type warnings being disseminated from people who should know better all the time.

you mean bill gates really isn't gonna send me a check for $2K for forwarding his email to everyone in my addy book? :shocking: You mean that dying little girl from Guatamala won't get her last wish if I don't send her chain letter on to 15 peeps in as many seconds? :yikes: You mean someone really isn't gonna come up to me at a mall to sell me perfume and actually stick ether in my face to knock me out, in an attempt to stick me on ice in some nasty, stank hotel room after ripping out my kidneys? :crazy:

guess I know better now. :ohwell: good lookin' out for us all arch! :yay:


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by tys_mommy
But do these camera phones actually have that great of resolution to take a good photo of your cc from a few feet (like 2 or 3) away?

They don't have the greatest resolution and the further you are away from the subject, the more grainy the picture gets.