Seems Legit: Chinese State-Run Media Steps Up and Defends Swalwell


PREMO Member
The Global Times (masthead motto: “Discover China, Discover the World”) is a bona fide mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party. It has published this anonymously-sourced article that Swalwell probably does not find helpful at all.

A tale cooked up by US news website Axios earlier this month which alleged that a suspected Chinese spy got access to California politicians and a congressman in a political intelligence operation run by China many years ago was complete fiction, and such fabrication shows that some US personnel deliberately use the Cold War mentality to poison China-US relations, a source told the Global Times on Monday.
The alleged Chinese woman was an international student, Axios claimed, and citing FBI agents and her acquaintances, it accused her of trying to gain access to and influence US political circles.
One California politician Axios named was California Congressman Eric Swalwell, who denied the accusations and noted the report was political retaliation for his criticism and impeachment of the incumbent president.
Right. The FBI had a time machine and went back to 2015 to brief Swalwell, Pelosi and others, and by the way caused a sufficient stir to cause Fang to flee back to China. Because those briefings and her swift departure all happened before Trump was president.

The Global Times story reads like a parody of a mainstream media story, complete with an anonymous source who just happens to confirm everything the CCP wanted to say.



Beloved Misanthrope
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