Self Assessment Test



Do you have it all figured out?

I mean you're always on here telling people what is right etc. etc.

Do you know gods plans?

You seem to have no problems telling everyone what is and isn't right.

Go suck an egg........and then read The Bible....You'll find all of life's answers there.........:howdy:


New Member
Go suck an egg........and then read The Bible....You'll find all of life's answers there.........:howdy:

suck an egg?

Can I at least make it into an omlette? Maybe add some cheese and onions?

anyway, I've read the bible (several times) and I'm reasonably sure that no one knows gods plans, and I for one won't presume to tell people which religion is correct and how to attain a seat at gods hand when there is no possible way for any of us to know much less understand gods will.


suck an egg?

Can I at least make it into an omlette? Maybe add some cheese and onions?

anyway, I've read the bible (several times) and I'm reasonably sure that no one knows gods plans, and I for one won't presume to tell people which religion is correct and how to attain a seat at gods hand when there is no possible way for any of us to know much less understand gods will.


Did you miss our pancake supper last night.......:whistle:


New Member
A serious of questions for self assessment.

The speaker says he went to chappel in seminary about 7000 times and was a hypocrite and didnt realize it.

from listening to this guy, it sounds like deep down inside he is a child molester or rapist..... he says to 'his core he has a rechid, dispicapble, filthy abomidable heart and if anyone knew what was going on inside he would be asamed and crumble, tthat is what he is'
doesn't sound like anyone i would go to for advise.
i mean i may have my faults, but i am not some monster that if people knew my innermost thoughts it would destroy me, i might be a little embarrased, but nothing like crumbling


yeah =(

I had to clean house (well continue cleaning it) for the realtor to start walk throughs etc.

I had pork chops with long grain wild rice and peas though =)


You had a better supper than we had......:smack:



New Member
Do you have it all figured out?

I mean you're always on here telling people what is right etc. etc.

Do you know gods plans?
I dont know the mind of God, but I am fimilar with his word.

You seem to have no problems telling everyone what is and isn't right.
Ok, I do understand the Gospel correctly and love to share it, in fact Christians are commanded to do so, and when you understand the Grace of God, Its better than winning the 50 millon dollar lottery.

But you know its not about me. It's all about you, and your relationship with Jesus Christ. You might find it offensive now, but tomorrow all that could change.
CS Lewis said God brought him kicking and screaming. He went to the zoo one day as an atheist and out of the blue he understood that Christ was who he claimed to be and died for his sins.

I love you enough for you to ask yourself these questions.

I thought I was saved for 24 years and wasnt because I never heard correctly or understood fully. I had a false sense of assurance (fire Insurance)

I know you dont profess to be a Christian, put maybe by the Grace of God that will change and maybe it wont. At least I presented you with it.

There is no greater tragedy though for someone to name the name of Christ and not be born again, and think they are because someone sold them a false assurance, or say a little prayer and your in and it happens all the time!
Many people secretly have doubts there salvation, and were are told to examine ourselves. I am just providing the chance.

I may never get to meet you in this life, but I hope I get to in the next!


New Member
I love you enough for you to ask yourself these questions.

I thought I was saved for 24 years and wasnt because I never heard correctly or understood fully. I had a false sense of assurance (fire Insurance)

I know you dont profess to be a Christian, put maybe by the Grace of God that will change and maybe it wont. At least I presented you with it.

There is no greater tragedy though for someone to name the name of Christ and not be born again, and think they are because someone sold them a false assurance, or say a little prayer and your in and it happens all the time!
Many people secretly have doubts there salvation, and were are told to examine ourselves. I am just providing the chance.

I may never get to meet you in this life, but I hope I get to in the next!

Firstly, though I appreciate the sentiment, you don't love me.

Secondly, you speak of false assurance. Where does that come from? Other churches? Other religions and philosophers?

You have to (ok you never have to, but it's true anyway) realize that to every other religion and philosophy you are just as wrong as you say they are.

Why are you right?

Don't say because you've read and understood your book (how you read the original and know the authors intent over 2k years, many translations, and a dead language I don't know) because so have they and everyone else 'knows' you are wrong just as you 'know' they are wrong.


New Member
Firstly, though I appreciate the sentiment, you don't love me.

In Bible speak there are three types of love

  1. Eros- romantic & sexual in nature
  2. Philo-Love like for a family member
  3. Agape- The type were you dont want to see anyone get hurt or suffer. A genuine concern.
The agape love was the type I was refering to. I care about you, and want to share with you the most valuable thing I have to share.

Secondly, you speak of false assurance. Where does that come from? Other churches? Other religions and philosophers?

[ It's possible it can even come from our selves as we believe our own lies.
Have you ever heard someone say my god would never....?and they are correct, thier god never would as he is a product of their imagination not the God of the Bible. But what I was talking about is walking down the isle say a little prayer and ask Jesus into your heart. False assurrance can come from a pastor Not preaching the gospel or talking about sin & never mentioning Hell, or just thinking were good to go, because we went to church on Sunday and put the check in the box for the week. It can come from trying to work your way to heaven doing good works, when in fact they are nothing more than good deeds and account for nothing in Gods eyes thats another way you can decieve your self.

I made Christ my Savior at 14, but not my Lord. Oh I said it, but didnt understand what Dieing to self was, sureendering of the self will, so he could live through me, and giving my life to him. My life didnt change I still loved my sin, and the things of the world, and everything in it.
You have to (ok you never have to, but it's true anyway) realize that to every other religion and philosophy you are just as wrong as you say they are.

Understood, and you need to explain to them in away they can understand not out of hate, or as a put down. They may hate you, but if you can get through, they cant thank you enough.

Why are you right?
Don't say because you've read and understood your book (how you read the original and know the authors intent over 2k years, many translations, and a dead language I don't know) because so have they and everyone else 'knows' you are wrong just as you 'know' they are wrong.

[Third Question]
I believe Christianity is correct because Christ is the only one to returned from the dead and is alive today! Mohamad, and Buddah when they died, that was it they were dead. That's documented outside of the Bible in history books.

I dont have to work to try to obtain my salvation and then die never knowing if I made the cut. I have Gods promise and he's never lied to anyone. All the other religions require works and me being rightousness or good enough. I could never be good enough to win Gods favor.

Mans dead in his sin he cant see it ( a fish dosent know its wet) he hates God, and wants nothing to do with him.(he's deaf and Blind to the things of God) They hate it everytime someone brings up his name. It's his life and he's going to do it his way and no one is going to tell him any differnt.

It's God that choose us before the creation of the world.
Its God that opens our hearts and mind towards him. (Effectual calling)
Its God that gives us faith to believe in him.
Its God that at some point will Regenerate us.(Change us) Save Us, Redeem us.
Its God that scantifies us allowing us grow in Holliness over our life time.(Not Over Night and we still sin but hate it when we do)
Than its God that Glorifies us when we die
Its called the order of salvaion and man dosent have anything to do with it!
Its all God by his grace that does that for us.

Did I answer everything?
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New Member
I believe Christianity is correct because Christ is the only one to returned from the dead and is alive today! Mohamad, and Buddah when they died, that was it they were dead. That's documented outside of the Bible in history books.


It was written in a book. BFD.

You know who else rose from the dead?


Star Trek III.

Unless you have some kind of proof, it's just a belief like every one elses that you agree with strongly because you like what it says.

There isn't anything wrong with belief, but when you go around condemning everyone else to hell, it grows tiresome and detracts from the overall message of peace and love.
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It was written in a book. BFD.

You know who else rose from the dead?


Star Trek III.

Unless you have some kind of proof, it's just a belief like every one elses that you agree with strongly because you like what it says.

There isn't anything wrong with belief, but when you go around condemning everyone else to hell, it grows tiresome and detracts from the overall message of peace and love.
Your a flake.