Self Defense - aka Shooting Back

Isnt it crazy how the same people scream and holler about having their other amendments protected can turn around and try to de-bunk the 2nd?
How they take the others so literally, but at the same time try to modify the 2nd to their likings?


"Typical White Person"
thakidistight said:
Isnt it crazy how the same people scream and holler about having their other amendments protected can turn around and try to de-bunk the 2nd?
How they take the others so literally, but at the same time try to modify the 2nd to their likings?

I love when they say "why do you need (insert "evil" rifle of your choice here)
for hunting?"

My question is when the eff did the 2ndA become about hunting?!

And to the Fudds that support the AWB, they are already calling rifles such as the 30/30 and 30/06 sniper rifles in an attempt to ban them in the future too.
AK-74me said:
I love when they say "why do you need (insert "evil" rifle of your choice here)
for hunting?"

My question is when the eff did the 2ndA become about hunting?!

And to the Fudds that support the AWB, they are already calling rifles such as the 30/30 and 30/06 sniper rifles in an attempt to ban them in the future too.


RadioPatrol said:
Now if only everyone had a right to Carry ........... at least this time a cop was around.


Utah is a shall issue CCW state. Unforturnately the Trolly Square Shopping Center in SLC is posted no guns allowed, so CCW permit holders can't carry inside. Fortunately the off-duty officer chose to ignore this rule and probably saved some lives.


"Typical White Person"
Pushrod said:
Utah is a shall issue CCW state. Unforturnately the Trolly Square Shopping Center in SLC is posted no guns allowed, so CCW permit holders can't carry inside. Fortunately the off-duty officer chose to ignore this rule and probably saved some lives.

Yup, and even though it was an off-duty cop that came to the rescue it does show the validity of CCW.