Self-Righteous Moralizer


New Member
Romans 2:1 - Paul knew that the defense mechanism resident within the pride nature of the human heart would be instant in it’s response to protest the accusation of wrath worthiness. Paul knew the human heart would not only be quick, but that it would be ingenious in the pleas that it would offer as to why we are not wrath-worthy. Paul anticipated the reaction of the human heart given the the moral choice of good and bad disease. Paul anticipated that we would jump to defend ourselves. Paul anticipated that some people would be quick to defend other people. Paul has done what any wise prosecuting attorney would do, he has been elimination our excuses before we have opportunity to present them. No one has a self-defense plea that will successfully excuse them from being counted worthy of God’s wrath. No one therefore, will be able to escape the judgment of God by anything that they do. This is what Paul has been setting out to prove; the necessity of justification, the gift declaration of righteousness by faith.

Here’s good news! God has held back the wrath you so justly deserve and he’s been good to you in holding back that wrath. God hasn’t held back his wrath because he is happy with who you think you are, or because he is satisfied with who you are trying to become. God has been longsuffering in holding back his wrath because he hopes that you will consider his goodness through what his son accomplished on your behalf. God wants you to change your mind about who you are from fleshly perspective apart from the Savior. God isn’t patiently waiting for you to change your mind about what you do, many have done that thinking it gains salvation. Is the “Give your life, or commit your life to God if you want to be saved” message we hear so often today. And many have done that and many have become very good humanly speaking; even to the point of the self-righteous moralizer Paul is referring to in Romans 2:4. You see, the self-righteous moralizer looks in his self-righteous mirror and he thinks God must be satisfied. I’m a prized package.