Selling Patrick...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So the Jets are down to Brooks Bollinger and then Vinnie...

They called the Skins and were told Patrick is not available.

I wonder if that means he's not for sale but he can be bought or he's not for sale at any price?

It certainly seems smart to keep Pat for this season; he does know the offense. It also seems pretty reasonable to figure that Pat is done at the end of this season simply because he is just not a Gibbs guy.

So, what if someone gets real desperate? I wonder if they asked Cerrato if he was available at ANY price?

Would you take a #1 pick next year for Pat now?

A 2? A three?

The argument is that he may be worth more now, in an emergency, than at the end of the season where everyones hopes blossom for the draft or their third string guy.

Does this mean that Ramsey is #2, behind Brunnel? I'd kinda thought that Joe might go to Cambell.



Nothing to see here
At this point in the season, he was not available for any price in my opinion. Witness the extreme example of the Jets, they lost their starter and backup within a span of 7 plays. The skins are playing for it all NOW, there wasn't a chance that Gibbs would give up a quality QB. We haven't seen the last of Patrick this year, they need him with the high probability that Brunell will go down at some point. How many times did Brunell get sacked against the Boys?? 6?? Mark my words, Brunell will get hurt and there is no way that Gibbs would want to rely on Campbell no matter how highly he thinks of him.

If Patrick is not a Gibbs guy (and I'm not convinced of that yet), they will package him with a draft pick and move up in next years draft. They won't get as much as they would have if they had dealt with the Jets this past week.

BTW, Larry, you making a 5 point pick this week?


Well-Known Member
otter said:
If Patrick is not a Gibbs guy (and I'm not convinced of that yet), they will package him with a draft pick and move up in next years draft. They won't get as much as they would have if they had dealt with the Jets this past week.

I am not a Skin's fan, but neither am I a hater. So, objectively, I agree with Otter. If memory serves, Mark Rypien was not a "Gibbs guy" at first either because of his lack of mobility cells(sorry). I think the ramsey situation has more to do with Gibbs liking the young ones to have a little "seasoning" before throwing them to the wolves. The one exception was Schroeder, and that was only becasue the "mouth that STILL roars" got his leg pulverized. He put Schroeder before he was ready(in Gibbs' view) and while he did reasonably well,; how long was it before he had fallen from grace and was shipped to the Raiders? Which then led to the ignominious Stan Humphries era. So Gibbs learned his lesson about keeping at least 2 "game ready" QB's on the roster, so he doesn't have to give the kids(Campbell in this case) OJT.

So if Patrick, stays quiet, and actually learns from Sensei Gibbs et al, I think he will be fine, and he will get his shot.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm just #####ing...

...because I still can't believe how St. Joe handled Pat. He all but said to him "ANY excuse will do to yank you."

Gibbs was so overwelmed with joy against the Cowboys, after 55 minutes of Mark Brunnel v. 2004, hitting the big ones, just like a guy who kept hitting 20 in Black Jack, over and over, just because he had a hunch that an ace was coming.

It was more relief and vindication of a long shot than the confidence that he was playing his best hand and would therefore accept the results.

Ot, got the 5 pointer, thanks.

You're both right about keeping him. I'm just a bitter, old man.