Sen. Byrd to Play Slave Owning Confederate General



Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) is playing the role of a slave-owning Confederate general in a movie that's coming out about the Civil War. I wonder what the folks who flayed Trent Lott are going to say about that.


Football season!
it is only acting..

Though, he probably didn't need to do much research for the part..

Even though acting, pretty poor taste in role selection..


New Member
George Allen and Phil Gramm, both GOPers, will also play as Confederate officiers in the movie. At least none of these senators are the public face of their parties.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) is playing the role of a slave-owning Confederate general in a movie that's coming out about the Civil War. I wonder what the folks who flayed Trent Lott are going to say about that.
Well if he's a "method actor" he should be able to draw on some of that KKK experience to bring the character to life!

Should be interesting. I wonder if he'll use his trademark call of "WRONG!...................WRONG!....................................WRONG!



It's only acting sounds like the "It's Only a Birthday Party Defense." :biggrin:


Chairman of the Board
Odd - I know far too many people who believe that FLYING a Confederate flag is somehow offensive for a state capitol to do - but the same folks don't have a problem with a Senator portraying a Confederate general. But they DO object to a Senator - if he's a Republican - saying he admires Robert E. Lee.

Yeah - it's not partisan.


New Member
Look, I don't like Byrd at all, but as long as he supports the party that oppose the Confederate flag and the party that hates racisim, I welcome him. The Democratic Party is a big tent party...The GOP is a homogeneous group of white, rich country club types.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by demsformd
The GOP is a homogeneous group of white, rich country club types.

And it's silly, uninformed remarks like this one that makes me unable to take you seriously - or anyone who believes such nonsense.


Enjoying life!

I'd like to see our politicians stay out of acting, and our actors stay out of politics!!


New Member
Originally posted by Frank
And it's silly, uninformed remarks like this one that makes me unable to take you seriously - or anyone who believes such nonsense.

I call a spade, a spade. That is the way that I see it. Of course there are your token blacks in the GOP as well as your token poor people. But the party is driven by greedy country club types.


b*tch rocket
Re: Segregation!

Originally posted by Steve

I'd like to see our politicians stay out of acting, and our actors stay out of politics!!

Good one! :roflmao:

Can you perty please find me that document we talked about at lunch?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
But the party is driven by greedy country club types.
They teach you to say that at Democrat school? And if you'll look at the rich country club types in this country, they tend to vote Democrat. Hollywood celebrities, Kennedy-esque types, etc.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by demsformd
I call a spade, a spade.

Nope - that's just stereotyping, and thought-stopping prejudice. You don't have any basis for this, except the kinds of stuff you get on TV. It just demonstrates that you aren't thinking for yourself, but are simply accepting the caricatures given you to satiate your pre-conceived notions. You wouldn't know a Republican if it bit you on the butt. It's impossible for half the country to be greedy rich white country club guys - there just ain't enough of them. So how is it half the country is voting for these guys?


Originally posted by demsformd
I call a spade, a spade. That is the way that I see it. Of course there are your token blacks in the GOP as well as your token poor people. But the party is driven by greedy country club types.

Finally!!! I qualify as a token, disenfranchised, minimized, poor white victim. Please tell me what Federal, State, and Local handouts I am now entitled to? No more hard working middle class for me... Victimhood here I come!