Sen. Clinton: Republicans 'Playing the Fear Card'...


Super Genius
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday accused Republicans of "playing the fear card" of terrorism to win elections and said Democrats cannot keep quiet if they want to win in November.

So she doesn't think that terrorism is a valid issue? :confused:
The bulk of her 30-minute speech focused on economic issues and the troubled U.S. auto industry, which is losing market share to foreign manufacturers and bracing for tens of thousands of layoffs.
I wonder if she said "make a reliable, fuel efficient car" or "get rid of the unions". Or how about "GM needs to stop copying everyone elses designs and come up with something original."


This Space for Rent
Or how about mentioning how uncompetitive the auto industry was for years due to mainting outdated pension plans and being forced into a higher cost model due to unions...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here Hillary...'s your next speech:

"My fellow Americans, our current President is using the 'fear' card to dupe you into thinking we're in danger and that we, the Democrats, are not strong on national security. Well, in order to prove I mean what I say, listen up;

We are in NO danger from Islamo-fascists. 9/11 was a singular event and we will not be attacked again on our soil. Osama Bin Laden has gone away, never to bother us again and no one will take his place in leading and directing harm to America or Americans.

There is no reasonable way that a biological or nuclear or chemical attack will happen to us. Fear of this is irrational. I repeat; we are not in danger now or in the future. If anything, the Presidents antagonistic stance towards what he calls 'terrorists' and other citizens of the world increase the likelihood of these attacks, which aren't gonna happen, occurring.

Now, that may sound like double speak and it is. You see, by claiming we are not in danger I can either give the President credit for doing his job, providing for the common defense, or I can claim there is no danger, he's over -reacting and it's time to lighten up. You reconcile that any way you like. I just wanna be President.

Thank you and may Allah, peace be upon him, bless you...err...God. The Jesus one."

Now, Hill, put up or SHUT UP.


Fighting like a girl
Larry Gude said:
Now, Hill, put up or SHUT UP.
Well she did say:
"I take a back seat to nobody when it comes to fighting terrorism and standing up for national homeland security," she said.
But also:
Referring to fugitive al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, Clinton said, "You cannot explain to me why we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan."
Now Hillary I think the country has had just about enough of this folksy talk. Just go up there and act me, you'll never out folksy W.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We could start...

Referring to fugitive al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, Clinton said, "You cannot explain to me why we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan."

...with the fact that he's not IN Afghanistan. So yes, she is correct; Explaining ANY of this would teaching a pig to sing.