Sen. Mary Landrieu Stars in "When Talking Points Attack!"



My hats off to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. He did a super job of outing Sen. Landrieu yesterday. She came on to discuss the blame game over Katrina, and really showed her ass!

Her first comments were about how she hoped that Republicans would stop all of this political finger pointing that's been going on. Wallace's response was to tell her that she was one of the folks who started the political finger pointing, and proceeded to play a portion of a speech she gave on the Senate floor early last week in which she called the Administration's response to the crisis insulting and other negatives. Wallace then asked her if she would also categorize the governor and mayor's responses the same way, and she said "I will not in any way criticize the efforts of local politicians."

Then Wallace asked her how she could not be critical of the mayor when he directed the poeple to shelters rather than getting them on all those school buses, and keeping to her talking points, Landrieu said "well, they couldn't be used because they were flooded." Wallace was incredulous and said "but they weren't flooded on saturday or sunday" Her response was "they were flooded!" Wallace asked her a third time about it, and she kept to the rediculous talking point about how the buses couldn't be used because they were flooded... despite the obvious fact that they were not flooded during the time they were needed to perform the evacuation.

She also denied that the governor's office had ever told the Red Cross and Salvation Army to keep relief supplies out of the city as a means of getting people to leave despite the fact that this has also been proven.

Even better was when Brit Hume and Juan Williams about came to blows! Williams was spewing out the typical talking points, and Hume told him "It really amazes me how ignorant so many reporters are of what FEMA is for!" Williams got pissed and told Hume that he had no idea what was going on down there (as if Williams does), and Hume read him the riot act on how FEMA was not a first responder organization. Having been backed into a corner, Williams used the standard Dem escape method of trying to make the FEMA leaders look bad using alledged comments they had made. Hume ripped into him again and said "it's not about what they said, it's about what they did, and there's nothing they did or didn't do that would have made any difference in the relief effort."

It was a classic!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Only Democrats can take a disaster and politicize it to the point where nobody gives a crap about the victims anymore. They are like this rabid wolf pack, slinking about trying to find an opening so they can attack, and they will literally use anything to further their bullshit agenda.

And the next person who tries to pretend this is equally the fault of Democrats AND Republicans, I'm going to smack them in the head.


This Space for Rent,2933,169133,00.html

Transcript above.

Can't get people to work on the a sunny day? WTF? She is smoking crack, isn't she? She proceeds to lay the blame past Clinton and back to Bush I and Reagan, as well.

RRaley, take a second and open your eyes. This is the woman who started the blame game that the media picked up on! The Republican Senator deserves blame, too, btw... but the one firestorming this is her. She even says she will not lay any blame on local groups! Take a moment and realize you can still become a Republican! :lol:

Sunny days?!?!?