Senator’s Solution To The Opioid Crisis


Ubi bene ibi patria
" Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) says that a new “war on drugs” is needed to combat the opioid crisis ravaging his home state ― a reference to a policy boondoggle that has spanned four decades and cost the U.S. more than $1 trillion, while destroying millions of lives and cementing America’s position as the world’s leading jailer.

“We need to declare a war on drugs, on illicit drugs,” Manchin told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead” when asked what President-elect Donald Trump should do to address the opioid epidemic.

West Virginia has been hit especially hard by substance abuse and addiction. A recent report by West Virginia’s Charleston Gazette-Mail detailed how drug companies have poured 780 million opioid painkillers into the state and cashed in while ignoring warning signs that the opioid epidemic was spreading as overdoses spiked.

But the drug war, first declared by President Richard Nixon in 1971 when he characterized illicit substance use as “public enemy number one,” has in recent years become widely derided as a public policy failure.

The U.S. spends about $51 billion a year enforcing the war on drugs, and arrests nearly 1.5 million people for drug violations, according to Drug Policy Alliance, a drug policy reform group. The U.S. is now home to nearly 25 percent of the world’s prisoners, despite having less than 5 percent of its population. Harsh and lengthy sentences for nonviolent drug possession or distribution crimes have helped bolster that figure. Meanwhile, as drug control spending has ballooned over the decades, addiction rates have remained relatively steady.

The public’s attitude has also shifted dramatically on drug policy since the drug war’s inception. About two-thirds of Americans believe illegal drug use should be met with treatment instead of incarceration, according to a 2014 Pew study.

In an attempt to explain how drug users in his state got addicted to opioids, Manchin told Tapper that they “started out as a kid, smoking what we call recreational marijuana. Then from there that led to prescriptions ... and before you know it ... they were just hooked. Then heroin comes on. Now we have fentanyl coming on. It’s just been unbelievable.”

Manchin is discussing what’s known as the “gateway” theory, a widely debunked criticism of marijuana use that suggests drug users begin with marijuana before graduating to harder drugs over time. The Gazette story also suggests that Manchin is drastically oversimplifying the causes of the epidemic. This catastrophe was driven in large part by corporate greed. (Manchin’s daughter, Heather Bresch, is chief executive of Mylan, a large pharmaceutical company that makes generic versions of off-patent opioids, as well as other drugs.) "


PREMO Member
ah yes, it is the fault of 'Corporate Greed' not the losers taking the drugs .....


New Member
We seriously need to consider expanding this program to include food addicts, sex addicts, cigarette smokers, video game addicts, internet addicts, compulsive gamblers, etc.... If everyone that works would just give half of their pay to the "I have no will power, I don't take any responsibility for my own life, I want to blame everyone else but myself for my addiction" fund we could eradicate responsibility and willpower completely. I am still working on the name but I think if we all signed a petition we could get this pushed through. This is an important cause and nobody should have to take responsibility for their own bad choices if they don't want to. It is our duty as law abiding tax payers to provide these people with a house, food, a car, and all the luxuries we take for granted including a 2 week vacation every year. Remember it is not these peoples fault, they were born with a needle in their arm or food getting shoved in their mouth etc... Once we get this approved we can work on completely emptying the jails because those people made 1 to 50 little mistakes and they don't deserve to have their life ruined for a little thing like murder or armed robbery. Who is with me?


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Well, it's obvious that the only cure for opioid addiction comes in an auto-injector manufactured by his daughter's company.
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Well-Known Member
Well, it's obvious that the only cure for opioid addiction comes in an auto-injector manufactured by his daughter's company.

Closing and establishing a Border may help a little, but the drugs coming in from the South will not stop.
There is no real effort in some countries to stop it.

Too many dollars involved.