Senator Paul Wellstone


New Member
Today I receive terrible news that a great man and dedicated leader passed from this world to the next. Senator Wellstone was my representative in Congress and his passion is something that could make all leaders great. We may have disagreed with what he believed in, but he truly fought for his ideals. We can say that Paul Wellstone was a statesman and not a politician, something we need more of in America.
Read his book, The Conscience of a Liberal, and we will all get to know him better. Words cannot describe the immense saddness that I feel right now. Senator Wellstone was a man that I really admired.


New Member
When I would be afriad to speak on my left wing ways, I would remember the gentle little man from Minnesota. How he would speak into the late night about his principles. That really did comfort me. Ever since I have had a "thing" for politics when I was 5 one of the first senators that I truely admired was Paul Wellstone. My sympathys are to the families involded in this tragedy. The state of Minnesota and Liberals across the nation have lost a hero.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by smcdem
When I would be afriad to speak on my left wing ways, I would remember the gentle little man from Minnesota. How he would speak into the late night about his principles. That really did comfort me. Ever since I have had a "thing" for politics when I was 5 one of the first senators that I truely admired was Paul Wellstone. My sympathys are to the families involded in this tragedy. The state of Minnesota and Liberals across the nation have lost a hero.

For a minute, I thought you were talking about Barney Frank.

Sorry - that was an inappropriate "into the late night" joke. A thing for politics at age 5? I must have missed the blockbuster Playstation 2 title, "Campaign Trail" - is that anywhere near Madden 2003 on the shelf? No disrespect to the man who lost his life, but 'ya got a little goofy on that one, smcdem...
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
...Ever since I have had a "thing" for politics when I was 5 one of the first senators that I truely admired was Paul Wellstone....
My-oh-my you WERE programmed early!



You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Kyle
My-oh-my you WERE programmed early!


Complete with John F Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton action heros. (Well, the Bill Clinton action figure was seen hiding in the corner of the toy box and rubbing on the GI Jane doll, but she punched him and his head fell off.)


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by smcdem
When I would be afriad to speak on my left wing ways, I would remember the gentle little man from Minnesota. How he would speak into the late night about his principles. That really did comfort me. Ever since I have had a "thing" for politics when I was 5 one of the first senators that I truely admired was Paul Wellstone. My sympathys are to the families involded in this tragedy. The state of Minnesota and Liberals across the nation have lost a hero.

:barf: :roflmao: :barf: :roflmao: :barf: :roflmao: :wah:

Okay, smcdem, I'm so glad I defended you a while back. You crack me up! :roflmao:

Hey, can I use this speech when Reagan dies? :wink: