Septoplasty Recovery



Hi all, I just had a septoplasty on Feb. 6th for a deviated septum that was causing restriction of airflow and chronic sinusitis. For 26 years i had unknowingly lived with this condition, and debilitating headache, severe fatigue and body aches that accompanied it. ... i had to drop out of high school, and I have never been able to hold a job for more than a few weeks because I simply cannot concentrate at all, or think or do anything physical like bending down to pick something heavy up.

Today is day 8 after surgery, yesterday I had the splints taken out and I can breathe much better. But I still have the same exact headache, sore throat, ear popping/ringing and weakness that I had before. The only thing that seems to help is the vicodin i was prescribed.

I wanted to ask everyone here who has had similar symptoms and had surgery to try and correct them how long recovery was for you? I'm in a lot of pain and am pretty depressed and miserable and wanted to know anyone's experience with this...



My Sweetest Boy

I had sinus surgery almost 10 years ago. Had my septum repaired, had new sinus ways chisled...major stuff. I was miserable after the surgery. You still have a log of junk in your are probably breathing through your mouth which is causing your sore throat. I hemmorhaged two weeks after the surgery (right after the interior splints were removed) and had to be hospitalized for 3 days and have my sinuses repacked, cauterized..:blahblah:

Despite all of that, the surgery was the best thing I ever did. It took a good 6 months for everything to heal up. Are you using a nasal rinse yet? I had to go back several times to have them "clean" up my sinuses with the scabs, etc.

My doctor gave me Ponaris which was wonderful for keeping my sinuses (and nose) moist and allowing everything to heal. You also have to be careful as you are getting a ton more air through your nose and sinuses and cold air is not good for you while you are healing...make sure you keep your nose and mouth covered when out in the cold air. You should also be using a humidifier.

Who did your surgery? Just curious.

Good luck..with a little time, you should start feeling really good.



Who did your surgery? Just curious.

Good luck..with a little time, you should start feeling really good.

thanks cat, much appreciated.

Dr. Cindy Daly did mine and I went to her, drove 80+ miles down to leonardtown from Eastern Shore because I came on here to ask for advice and who to go see. When I got down there everyone I talked to seemed to have known Dr. Daly and recommended her as well, lol, so I think I'm in good hands with her.

I can say that I feel a little better, but I honeslty believe it's the vicodin that I'm on all the time. I still have the muscle weakness and body aches and headaches, and ear popping, etc... and yeah I just removed a huge blood scab from my nose an hour ago, that was disgusting.

I believe the pain and discomfort is all due to the sinusitis that my deviated septum was causing, but I just feel so hopeless and miserable all the tiem I can't do anything. Paranoia is pretty common for ome because i'm so afraid of people taking advantage of me in my condition as I can't think or concentrate at all and I feel like a brainless zombie just walking around. It really sucks to feel this way, but I've felt this way my whole life.

I really want this to go well, i want to start building a family now with a woman that I will be with for the rest of my life

(i'm 26 yo male, btw)