Sequestration in the News


aka Mrs. Giant
Sequestration already biting Navy, Marines readiness -
Due to reduced training and maintenance, almost all of our non-deployed ships and aviation squadrons are soon going to be less than fully mission capable and not certified for major combat operations. That's about two-thirds of the fleet," said Vice Adm. William Burke, the deputy chief of naval operations for warfare systems.

Two months into sequestration, the Marine Corps told a similar story. Lt. Gen. William Tryon, the deputy commandant for plans, policies and logistics, said more than half of all non-deployed Marine units are currently at "unacceptable" levels of readiness.

"And our crisis response mission is incompatible with tiered readiness," he said. "Marines don't start to get ready when a crisis occurs. We must be ready, we must be forward deployed and we must be prepared to respond immediately."


The fear of Smell
Let's hope there isn't another 9/11.

Highly doubtful... after nearly 12 years of sinking billions (possible trillions) into intel, country destruction and all kinds of WMD to include UAVs and other secret mass killing machines... having an organized attack from any of the scattered terrorist groups is purty slim. I have more fear in the thugs running this country than I do any terrorist attack!


New Member
Sequestration already biting Navy, Marines readiness -
Due to reduced training and maintenance, almost all of our non-deployed ships and aviation squadrons are soon going to be less than fully mission capable and not certified for major combat operations. That's about two-thirds of the fleet," said Vice Adm. William Burke, the deputy chief of naval operations for warfare systems.

Two months into sequestration, the Marine Corps told a similar story. Lt. Gen. William Tryon, the deputy commandant for plans, policies and logistics, said more than half of all non-deployed Marine units are currently at "unacceptable" levels of readiness.

"And our crisis response mission is incompatible with tiered readiness," he said. "Marines don't start to get ready when a crisis occurs. We must be ready, we must be forward deployed and we must be prepared to respond immediately."

This indicates severe problems with the military preparedness and budgeting.

1. The cuts are not excessive.

2. The cuts have only been in place for 8 weeks.

If, after minimal cuts and such a short time frame, our military is saying it isn't prepared to fight or isn't ready to fight, then that indicates they weren't ready to fight to begin with.


New Member
You obviously don't know s#%t about the Military, aviation in particular. Pilots who have not flown in 8 weeks cannot operate an aircraft without refresher training. Aircraft that have not flown in 30 days must be inspected before safe for flight. This all has to do with readiness. Do some research before you spout off.


Big Poppa
You obviously don't know s#%t about the Military, aviation in particular. Pilots who have not flown in 8 weeks cannot operate an aircraft without refresher training. Aircraft that have not flown in 30 days must be inspected before safe for flight. This all has to do with readiness. Do some research before you spout off.

You forgot periodical maintenance, specials, and components requiring replacement with certain intervals.

I wonder if the figures released for the hourly operating costs of Air Force 1 include the extensive maintenance requirements.


Not White House Approved
Highly doubtful... after nearly 12 years of sinking billions (possible trillions) into intel, country destruction and all kinds of WMD to include UAVs and other secret mass killing machines... having an organized attack from any of the scattered terrorist groups is purty slim. I have more fear in the thugs running this country than I do any terrorist attack!
Tell that to the people at Ft. Hood, Camp Bastion, Benghazi and Boston.

All those billions sunk into intel got us what? The intel was there, this administration has choose to just ignore it.
Tell that to the people at Ft. Hood, Camp Bastion, Benghazi and Boston.

All those billions sunk into intel got us what? The intel was there, this administration has choose to just ignore it.
Let's add to the list that our administration is ingnoring the intel that the "rebels" we are arming in Syria are not just Syrian citizens rising up against a dictator but rather Al Queda forces wanting to get their hands on the WMDs and such by taking over Syria.

This is mind blowing to me.


New Member
You forgot periodical maintenance, specials, and components requiring replacement with certain intervals.

I wonder if the figures released for the hourly operating costs of Air Force 1 include the extensive maintenance requirements.

I didn't forget, I didn't want to further confuse the confused.


mama to two
Highly doubtful... after nearly 12 years of sinking billions (possible trillions) into intel, country destruction and all kinds of WMD to include UAVs and other secret mass killing machines... having an organized attack from any of the scattered terrorist groups is purty slim. I have more fear in the thugs running this country than I do any terrorist attack!

Agree. Yes, there have been attacks such as Benghazi and Boston, but why? So, the billions wasted did not prevent, as in Boston, these attacks; or come to aid of, such as in Benghazi. Again, that goes back to the thugs running this country.

I would, also, like to point out that, according to the news, the US was alerted about the Boston bombers a couple years ago; I guess the guys were thought to not be a threat.
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The fear of Smell
Agree. Yes, there have been attacks such as Benghazi and Boston, but why? So, the billions wasted did not prevent, as in Boston, these attacks; or come to aid of, such as in Benghazi. Again, that goes back to the thugs running this country.

I would, also, like to point out that, according to the news, the US was alerted about the Boston bombers a couple years ago; I guess the guys were thought to not be a threat.

Well.. yes. another failure. But counter intel has got to be one of the hardest things to run. It's like being the weather man. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. But most of those folks are not really running the country... they play a part, but the big problems are not always in the federal govt. Decisions aren't always made at the white house either. But I think we both agree to that! :love:


New Member

We have been directed by Navy Office of Civilian Human Resources (OCHR) to delay printing furlough proposal letters until further notice.

Letters were previously scheduled to be released to employees starting Monday 6 May.

We have not received any official guidance that indicates the number of furlough days has been reduced. Officially, the number is still "up to 14" days.

We will notify you as soon as we receive official word on a new release date and/or any change in the implementation of DOD furloughs.