Seth Rich


Well-Known Member
A Federal Judge has ordered the production of Seth Rich's laptop.

The FBI "improperly withheld" the laptop under the Freedom of Information Act - and the FBI must produce the laptop within 14 days.



Well-Known Member
A Federal Judge has ordered the production of Seth Rich's laptop.

The FBI "improperly withheld" the laptop under the Freedom of Information Act - and the FBI must produce the laptop within 14 days.

IF they get this lap top from the FBI it will contain nothing. Pretty sure it will be bleached cleaner that Hillary's email.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Hey, if Democrats want to continue to kill each other, I'm all for it.

Hillary should get together with OJ and pool their detective skills to find the killers.
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Well-Known Member
Let's all realize first that D.C. Detectives investigated.
The closure rate in DC is 42% that mean 2 out of 5 get closed.
The 2 are probably those that gave themselves up.
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PREMO Member

What's Behind the Seth Rich Coverup?

The Epoch Times reports on the continuing efforts by the FBI to hide the contents of Seth Rich’s computer, and while I am not sure why, the reasonable assumption is that to disclose this material would, as a number of experts have long contended, prove that Mueller’s claim that the DNC computer was hacked by Russians was of a piece with the entire nonsensical and disproven claims that Russia conspired to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Since it has been several years since focus was on the murder of Seth Rich and the publication by Julian Assange of the efforts inside the DNC to see that Hillary was the party’s presidential candidate, a summary look at the details is warranted.

Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was mysteriously murdered on July 10, 2016, in Washington, D.C. after having been shot twice in the back. None of the valuable items in his possession seem to have been stolen. That would seem to rule out robbery. He had no known enemies and the murder occurred early in the morning (4:20 a.m.) in a safe neighborhood of the city. No one was ever arrested or prosecuted for the crime. There were no known witnesses to the murder. Nor to my knowledge were any suspects ever named. Local law enforcement nevertheless suggested his murder was part of a botched robbery. Six days after the murder, Wikileaks published over 19,000 emails and 8,000 attachments from the DNC files. In November of that year, they published over 8,000 more emails from the files. The emails showed that party officials favored Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders.