Originally posted by jlabsher
Excuse me while I whip this dead horse, ahhhh more satisfying than trying to get the people on this board to listen to a different viewpoint. Kind of like Rush Limbaugh taking calls from people who disagree with him. Scared you'll have to consider a different viewpoint than the pablum on the airwaves.
Totally used to people disagreeing with me - work in DC, work for someone who despises Bush, and most of my co-workers as well. Some of them have even said they hate Ashcroft too, but don't know why - just that (exact quote) they're "supposed to".
Let's just say the opposite is also true - no likelihood you'll ever change your mind either.
OK lie about sex, we all agree Billy did that in one shape or another. As an aside, do you remember whitewater, the chinese connection, ad nauseum, the GOP was dragging Bill through the mud from day 1, and nothing stuck.
I wouldn't say nothing *stuck*. He got impeached. Admittedly it was like getting Capone over tax evasion. And a lot of folks went to jail. A lot of ones who should have gone to jail skipped town. And about half the country knows he DID this ####. It all started on day one because it began before his election. Of course, the Dems did the same to Bush - leaking, a week before the election, a 25-year-old DUI on him. Not the same thing mind you as fraud and sexual harassment.
Lie about WMD, Bush told the world they were there, we had pictures & everything, still we can't find any trace now. Either he lied or had realllllly bad intel.
Yup. Like from Joseph Wilson himself, who said last October that Saddam HAD bio and chem WMD's, and was working very hard to aggressively build a nuclear program.
No - he has them. HAD them, has them. We know this because the UN actually destroyed stockpiles of them by the ton. Saddam tossed these guys out - and then we're supposed to believe he did NOTHING?
(Remember the Nigerian connection,
Did you mean, Niger? And not Nigeria?
Saddam's connections to al-Quada, hmmm seems I read that Chaney is still doing that even though the Whitehouse has officially said there is no connection and 70% of the population believe it is true (maybe watching Fox?).
Yes, well 70% of the population doesn't get intel briefings about meetings in Prague. I think *CHENEY* is probably right.
I won't even mention Donald (Mr. Personality) Rumsfeld and his box of laughs.
Typical liberal duck and run. Insinuate, but don't back up with facts. Coulter just loves intellectuals like you.
All in all, since all politicians are liars, I'd rather have one lying about his wee-wee
--- in court, before a grand jury, committing perjury which is a felony - and for which several federal judges got removed from the bench - hey, next time you're in divorce court, just lie a few times about YOUR wee-wee and see if it doesn't land your butt in jail ----
than one lying to carry out his own personal vendetta against Saddam, and pi$$ing off the rest of the world in the process.
--- the rest of the world being defined as "France", "Russia", "China", "Germany" - you know, our reliable friends who normally sing our praises any other day of the week ---- for taking out a bloodhtirsty dictator they were all making money from, all while BREAKING UN rules regarding trade ---
Then going and begging the UN for help after we thumbed our nose at them 6 months ago.
--- all while graciously allowing these mugwump do-nothings to actually participate, since they've been so adamant about doing so --- the same twits who didn't help us the last time - oh yeah - the French - they did send the carrier, the DeGaulle - but with no PLANES aboard, in the last war --- these guys DEFINE the word useless. We're allowing them to participate. Hell we should just leave the UN, tell it to leave New York, and see if the other members will actually PAY to keep it there.
(Actually, I'm all for a major re-alignment of the Security Council - why is France there, at all? Why *isn't* Japan, or India?)
His approval rating continues to drop, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
His "approval rating" is irrelevant to the issue, if we're talking what is right, and what isn't - because approval ratings obviously meant nothing to Democrats when they were *HIGH* - but - if you must know - the third year of a first term always takes a dip in the fall. Nixon and Reagan had them too, and both were re-elected in the biggest landslides in history.