Sex twice a month not enough for this Octogenarian


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
So she's divorcing her husband.

An 84-year-old woman from the southern province of Campania is seeking to divorce her 88-year-old husband on the grounds that she is sexually unfulfilled.

Her lawyer was distressed by the divorce request and suggested that she find a new activity to replace sex: maybe one more fitting to her age. But the pensioner was having none of it.

She argued that seeing as she had no grandchildren to pass the time with, she didn't see why she had to give up carnal pleasures in spite of her advancing years.

sexy senior


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"One more fitting to her age"? Grrrr.....

Don't you get any weird ideas, Monello. When you're 90 I still expect you to put out.