Sexually Charged House Page Scandal


Ubi bene ibi patria
Another Sexually Charged House Page Scandal

"So much for reform of the House page program in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal. House teenage pages are so wild and unsupervised that two GOP members of Congress have resigned from the House Page Board, protesting that they were not informed of two pages caught shoplifting and two others busted for engaging in public oral sex."

Another Sexually Charged House Page Scandal - The Sleuth


New Member
The kids are sent up there to learn from the Congressmen and Senators. Obviously they are. The whole place is filled with perverts, thieves , killers ,bribe takers, womanisers, drunks, & addicts. The female page in question is copying Monica Lewinski and knows that what she did isnt having sex. Ms. Pelosi is busy attacking the president she hasnt the time for trivial matters such as a page giving head , or copping a few things at the mall. These two ladies did the right thing. If you are placed in a position where you are supposed to be a watchdog and they wont let you do the job, get out.