Shakespeare Tragedy in Florida


Well-Known Member

Reading this...I just see the sickness this society has absorbed. Some may call for more vigorous legal enforcement...
some may say education would have been the answer...
Some might say "A just God would never allow this to happen."

This is the root of human nature...and education, probation officers, and guidence counselors can not have the long term impact that a minister/priest might have had.

The woman gave of herself so that others may benefit...Luis is yet another blight among thousands who work to add misery to the rest of us.

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I agree with you. He has a rap sheet record that has to be 2 miles long, but they did authorize parole and once again, an inattentive parole officer didn’t do their job.

The one thing that has always peeved me about our parole system is an inattentive parole officer. Second, the fact that many have such littered records and they still getting the benefit of an early release. Both are clearly present in this story.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
All these child abductions/rapes/murders we've had over the last few years? Every single one of the abductors had a previous record and either some lawyer thought it was a good idea to get them off and some jury thought it was a good idea, too, or some judge agreed to parole. As far as I'm concerned, the lawyer, jury and judges that put Joseph Smith back on the streets are responsible for the death for Carlie Bruscia and they should be prosecuted for murder.


Well-Known Member
Honest question...

How many arrests does it take to qualify as a repeat offender?
3? 7? 15?...Luis had what...28?

At what enormous cost to society?
Probation officers?

Now on to the dozens of victims...fear,..sense of personal violation? Missing photos & heirlooms? Broken doors, windows, lost vehicles? Being stranded somewhere?

Does anyone really get a sense of the enormous cost this vile creature has forced on society and then he ponders who is to utterly sad. Working for 20 years straight would not cover the cost of all the damage he afflicted even before he murdered the woman.

Then throw in a Joseph Smith...with the same MO. Who says society is too cruel to inflict the death penalty after the second or third offense? It is the Liberal judges,...the overcrowded jails...and an overly tolerant society that allows this to continue for years.

Were my daughter to meet the end with a Joseph 6.5 mauser sniper rifle would end the "Adjudication procedings."