Share Your 2004 Election Saga Story Here!



Here's mine: I got to my polling place in Middleburg at about 0730. There were about 100 people waiting in line. It took about 30 minutes to get in and vote, and when I left there were about the same number of people waiting to get in as when I got there.

What was really interesting is that it normally takes me about 20 minutes to get from the house to work if I leave at 0800. By that time all of the traffic going to NAS Jacksonville has cleared out. This morning I left the house at 0755 and it took me to 0915 to get to work. All of the roads were choked solid with traffic, so it looks like most of the folks onbase were going in late after voting. Since the base is about 90% Bush, I'm guessing there's going to be a whole buttload of votes for GWB coming out of Clay and Duval counties.


If Bush wins Jazz picks out an AV for me to keep and use for an entire week :shrug:



Bruzilla said:
Here's mine: I got to my polling place in Middleburg at about 0730. There were about 100 people waiting in line. It took about 30 minutes to get in and vote, and when I left there were about the same number of people waiting to get in as when I got there.

What was really interesting is that it normally takes me about 20 minutes to get from the house to work if I leave at 0800. By that time all of the traffic going to NAS Jacksonville has cleared out. This morning I left the house at 0755 and it took me to 0915 to get to work. All of the roads were choked solid with traffic, so it looks like most of the folks onbase were going in late after voting. Since the base is about 90% Bush, I'm guessing there's going to be a whole buttload of votes for GWB coming out of Clay and Duval counties.
I am waiting for UP to come in here and say that it is a Republican plot to clog up the roads with SUV's to deny the blacks the ability to get to the polls because of traffic.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Pete said:
I am waiting for UP to come in here and say that it is a Republican plot to clog up the roads with SUV's to deny the blacks the ability to get to the polls because of traffic.
Isn't it? :confused: That's what my memo said the plan was.


Pete said:
I am waiting for UP to come in here and say that it is a Republican plot to clog up the roads with SUV's to deny the blacks the ability to get to the polls because of traffic.

I knew it was a ploy :mad:

:lmao: :lol:


The Original Lilly
Pete said:
I am waiting for UP to come in here and say that it is a Republican plot to clog up the roads with SUV's to deny the blacks the ability to get to the polls because of traffic.

No, no, no . . it is the high Republican voter turnout which is to blame . . they are making the lines so long that it is intimidating the oppressed Democratic voters who have to choose between standing in line to vote or standing in line for thier welfare and food stamps . . .


Nothing to see here
Lilly said:
No, no, no . . it is the high Republican voter turnout which is to blame . . they are making the lines so long that it is intimidating the oppressed Democratic voters who have to choose between standing in line to vote or standing in line for thier welfare and food stamps . . .

karma for you when I reload. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Parked, walked in 10:50...

...G line was empty ( I make reservations) in and out, 3 minutes.

The Diebold machine was so cool as was the little card thing.

People were super helpful and clear.

So much for saga.


Larry Gude said:
...G line was empty ( I make reservations) in and out, 3 minutes.

The Diebold machine was so cool as was the little card thing.

People were super helpful and clear.

So much for saga.
No evil looking thug staring you down?

No operatives taking down your license plate number in the parking lot?

No poll watcher secretly exposing the butt of a pistol tucked in the waistband of his slacks?

No cops crowded around the entrance giving you the eyeball?

Are you ABSOLOOOOOTLY sure you were not disenfranchised?

Should you contact a lawyer just in case you were disenfranchised and was not aware?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I just came back from voting at Piney Point Elementary School. There was a very small line of 4 people for names beginning with A-K and about 20 if your last name begins with L-Z. I was in and out in about 5 minutes. :yay:

There were two tables set outside the polling place - one Republican and one Democrat. The people manning them were more interested in the social aspects than recruiting people. :lmao:

The biggest thrill was getting the 'I voted' sticker. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well... that you mention it, we took our middle girl with us so she could see how it's done.

They wouldn't let her watch us vote.


Larry Gude said: that you mention it, we took our middle girl with us so she could see how it's done.

They wouldn't let her watch us vote.
I took Boy :confused: they let him go along. I even let him press the screen to "Cast Ballot". He was thrilled.

Come to think of it the lady at the table looked like a Democrat and she gave Boy some candy. :mad: It may have been a distracting thing. I just may have been disenfranchised.


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
...G line was empty ( I make reservations) in and out, 3 minutes.

The Diebold machine was so cool as was the little card thing.

People were super helpful and clear.

So much for saga.
Damn you! You beat my time of 4 minutes. Maybe it was because of the one other person in line. It could also be because I wrote in my boss for judge :lmao: Imagine a scruffy biker with long hair and a graveley voice as a judge...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
No evil looking thug staring you down?
Nobody except our daughter. And she was staring down the people holding Kerry signs. :lol:

They wouldn't let her go in because she's over 12.


Active Member

Like his song, Two Outta Three Ain't Bad

I did vote for Babs and Steny, but, in the end, I voted for Bush/Cheney. Or as Tom Petty says, "The Waiting is the Hardest Part." We shall see. :patriot:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Shut off the car at 12:16 back in the car at 12:18, no line, no BS, no fuss, no muss.


Indy Bound
Anyone vote at Park Hall Elementary yet? I am voting this evening but I want to allow enough time to get there and wait so that I don't miss the 8:00 deadline.


Super Genius
jeneisen said:
Anyone vote at Park Hall Elementary yet? I am voting this evening but I want to allow enough time to get there and wait so that I don't miss the 8:00 deadline.
You just have to be in line to vote at 8.


vraiblonde said:
Nobody except our daughter. And she was staring down the people holding Kerry signs. :lol:

They wouldn't let her go in because she's over 12.
:lol: When we went we were in line and Boy was looking at a guy behind us like the guy had horns on his head. I glanced back to see what Boy found so riviting and I saw a "Kerry" button on the guys shirt. I leaned over and wispered to him "See you can never tell what one may look like" He smiled and said "nope."