yes, 'Sez me' because I'm right.
I have yet to see anything that comes remotely close to a real explanation about how Texas or Federal Law mandated the death of the kid, And frankly that would be the only satisfactory comparison to the article and Shari'a.
No. That's simply not true. It's the only comparrision you seem to want, but it is not the only direct comparison that can be made.
Lets see here.
Faith based practices cause the death of an innocent vs. faith based practices cause the death of an innocent.
which is which?
oh! They apply to either situation!
And anything else is simply smoke, mirrors and ovine fecal matter.
not at all. Just because you don't like the comparisson (or whatever), doesn't somehow negate it.
Why can't anyone just admit that labelling the subject header with "Sharia" was nothing more than prodding and ####-stirring, and a desire to illicit a reaction.
It was. I'm pretty sure he even admitted it. None the less, there is a comparisson that can easily and accuratly be made.
If I remember correctly - which I do - the "definite similarities" you pointed out, were simply that the "results" were the same, and religion is somehow involved. At best, that's a contrived proposition, since these "results" could be arrived at in myriad ways.
You don't remember correctly. I said:
They are both faith based religions and both religions prescribe wrongful death. Car accidents and sharks can hardly be described as faith based religions. You're making yourself look like (more of) a fool.
I did mention the results were the same, yes .... but they were the same result as made real by the religious practice.
A fact which you scoffed at yesterday, and I have little doubt you'll do the same today.
Yes .... because comparing a shark attack to religious practice is a terrible comparisson. However, comparing religious practices is more in line with the topic as they are both religious practices and both result in the death of an innocent person.
And just because you want to see similarities (such as they are), doesn't mean they are there.
Again, they are similar. Not the exact same, but similar. Enough to make a comparisson. The similarity is there and you are choosing not to see it.
I didn't choose to ignore similarities. I just know useless prodding when I see it, and I call bull#### when I do.
Yes, you did (choose) and are choosing to ignore the similarity between the two.