She won't shut it off.


New Member
No, not the battery operated massage toy! I mean the fake persona. As an active duty mans wife, I met alot of different people. Everywhere we went we would encounter the same personalities, He woud deal with the butt kisse, the liar, the theif, the relly decent guy, the responsible guy, and I would go to the wives club meetings and deal with the gossiper, the judge, the adultress, and the angel, and the docile wife, and then there was the terror...the profesional butt kisser, who would say "nice to meet you" but it felt more like "that is an ugly dress your wearing dear". She was at every duty station and God forbid, sometimes there was more than one. I hated her, and avoided her like the plague, but sometimes we got stuck at her table at the Navy Ball. And she would flash her fake smile and her voice was purposely high pitched and every chance she got she let you know that she hung out with the officers wives and she never shopped at walmart. Hubby retired years ago, and I have not had to deal with her anymore. On occasion she would be at the mall, or someones BBQ, but I didn't have to deal with her. Now, my friend has befriended her, and her homophibic testosterone infused husband. Now, when I looked forward to seeing my friend, I have to deal with them, and I just don't like them. Her hubb retired long ago, but she continues to do the annoying voice, the round about talking down to what she assumes is an inferrior person. I think I am going to tell her to kiss my a$$, but I don't want to hurt my friends feelings. I am thinking of just stepping aside and letting this friendship go, if it means staying away from these jerks. Hmmmmm.:mad:


New Member
Why can't you see your friend without that other woman and her hubby around?
I have them over when I can, it is the only way. But, they are always there when we go to their house. I know they are going to have other friends, and they do have nice friends, and we have other friends, but, this woman wants to take over our friendship time. I thought it was just me , but then my hubbs said something about it like "I feel like she is trying to push os out". I was releived that it wasn't all in my head.


New Member
I have them over when I can, it is the only way. But, they are always there when we go to their house. I know they are going to have other friends, and they do have nice friends, and we have other friends, but, this woman wants to take over our friendship time. I thought it was just me , but then my hubbs said something about it like "I feel like she is trying to push os out". I was releived that it wasn't all in my head.

I too have dealt with people like that. Just remember you are not together too long. Life is too short not to enjoy your friends company. This not so nice person.. you would be surprised how many feel sorry for her. You dont have to engage in conversation with her. just smile and nod and bite your lip.


You need to start Tivoing Army Wives.... You will feel much better!:lmao:


WDF. So worth the wait.
You need to start Tivoing Army Wives.... You will feel much better!:lmao:
That show gave me sweaty palms and I'm pretty sure I threw up a little.

Feelin your pain, Craberta. No advice but, feeling your pain.


That show gave me sweaty palms and I'm pretty sure I threw up a little.

Feelin your pain, Craberta. No advice but, feeling your pain.

I don't know why you up chucked.... It's not touchy feely or anything. :lmao:


I know nothing
No, not the battery operated massage toy! I mean the fake persona. As an active duty mans wife, I met alot of different people. Everywhere we went we would encounter the same personalities, He woud deal with the butt kisse, the liar, the theif, the relly decent guy, the responsible guy, and I would go to the wives club meetings and deal with the gossiper, the judge, the adultress, and the angel, and the docile wife, and then there was the terror...the profesional butt kisser, who would say "nice to meet you" but it felt more like "that is an ugly dress your wearing dear". She was at every duty station and God forbid, sometimes there was more than one. I hated her, and avoided her like the plague, but sometimes we got stuck at her table at the Navy Ball. And she would flash her fake smile and her voice was purposely high pitched and every chance she got she let you know that she hung out with the officers wives and she never shopped at walmart. Hubby retired years ago, and I have not had to deal with her anymore. On occasion she would be at the mall, or someones BBQ, but I didn't have to deal with her. Now, my friend has befriended her, and her homophibic testosterone infused husband. Now, when I looked forward to seeing my friend, I have to deal with them, and I just don't like them. Her hubb retired long ago, but she continues to do the annoying voice, the round about talking down to what she assumes is an inferrior person. I think I am going to tell her to kiss my a$$, but I don't want to hurt my friends feelings. I am thinking of just stepping aside and letting this friendship go, if it means staying away from these jerks. Hmmmmm.:mad:

You also just described some forumites :whistle:
Sorry you feel this way. :huggy: I would say have a heart to heart with your friend. What could it hurt if you are feeling like dumping the friendship anyway? This way she knows why you dumped her (per say) and if she looses other friends she'll know why. Best of luck.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I have found after hanging out with people like that over time is to finally call them out as being full of crap. Tell her to stop sucking up the worlds Oxygen with her BS and be normal. She will either wake up ir you will never see her again. You friend will just have to accept the fact that you don't like her and if she doesn't then she wasn't much of a friend anyway.


But wait, there's more...
The warm fuzzy liberals of the world have shoved the "we must all get along" :bs: down our throats for years. I, for one, don't buy into it. We have a chic in our circle of friends who -- from day one -- rubbed every one of us except our guy friend (who she's banging) the wrong way with her loud, obnoxious, ignorant behavior. We don't invite her to any of our girl-get-togethers; even the guys don't like her. Nothing gave me more pleasure than when I told her what a ##### I thought she was. I don't go out of my way to say two words to her, or acknowledge her when she is around. And I don't lose any sleep over it.

Tell the ignoramous how you feel, and you won't believe how much better you feel about the situation. When all the cards are on the table, it makes things much easier.

There's a reason the entire world doesn't congregate/get together -- because people ARE different, and are entitled to their opinions/likes/dislikes. You don't like the chic. Let your friend know; however, let her know that it doesn't compromise your friendship; just that you rather not interact with the woman every single time you hang out. She doesn't have to "choose"; she only needs to respect your feelings about the situation.


But wait, there's more...
I have found after hanging out with people like that over time is to finally call them out as being full of crap. Tell her to stop sucking up the worlds Oxygen with her BS and be normal. She will either wake up ir you will never see her again. You friend will just have to accept the fact that you don't like her and if she doesn't then she wasn't much of a friend anyway.

:yay: :high5:


New Member
Tahk you all for the great advice! I am going to keep my friendship, we have been through too much to give up on it now. The interloper will be dealt with in a way I don't think she will like, she will be ignored and I will continue to be a good friend to my friend.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
The warm fuzzy liberals of the world have shoved the "we must all get along" :bs: down our throats for years. I, for one, don't buy into it. We have a chic in our circle of friends who -- from day one -- rubbed every one of us except our guy friend (who she's banging) the wrong way with her loud, obnoxious, ignorant behavior. We don't invite her to any of our girl-get-togethers; even the guys don't like her. Nothing gave me more pleasure than when I told her what a ##### I thought she was. I don't go out of my way to say two words to her, or acknowledge her when she is around. And I don't lose any sleep over it.

Tell the ignoramous how you feel, and you won't believe how much better you feel about the situation. When all the cards are on the table, it makes things much easier.

There's a reason the entire world doesn't congregate/get together -- because people ARE different, and are entitled to their opinions/likes/dislikes. You don't like the chic. Let your friend know; however, let her know that it doesn't compromise your friendship; just that you rather not interact with the woman every single time you hang out. She doesn't have to "choose"; she only needs to respect your feelings about the situation.

:buddies: My sentiments exactly! Say what you feel and stand behind it.