Shoe on the other foot?


Active Member
Howdy, been away for a bit, but I thought this was interesting. Have ya'll noticed what has been going on in Washington State? Appears the reds one, won again, then lost to the blues on a hand recount. What I find interesting is that while the reds were winning, they said the blues should just give in. Now that they lost, they want a re-vote, not a recount mind you. (

I actually think the reds one, but I find it odd that now they appear to not want to give in.........Just a thought, not a sermon. :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I actually think the reds one, but I find it odd that now they appear to not want to give in.........
I don't think it's that so much as you have to wonder why suddenly Gregoire pulled ahead after TWO recounts. Like that Florida crap 4 years ago, you can count and count a zillion times and come up with a different answer each time. And sometimes it depends on who's doing the counting, if you know what I mean. :really:

When it's that close and there's suspected fraud, a re-vote doesn't seem silly to me.


vraiblonde said:
Like that Florida crap 4 years ago, you can count and count a zillion times and come up with a different answer each time. And sometimes it depends on who's doing the counting, if you know what I mean. :really:

Dejavu' :roflmao:

As for the revoting... :yeahthat: I agree :smile: :dance:


New Member
Dino Rossi won by 240 votes on Election night...they automatically recounted (with machines) and hte margin was sliced to 42 votes. A third, hand recount was done in which new ballots were discovered in more than just one county and they were added to the total. In the end, Christine Gregoire won by 140 votes. That's the result deal with; another recount would only add to her lead by my estimation and a revote would cost the state of Washington too much money.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
A third, hand recount was done in which new ballots were discovered in more than just one county and they were added to the total.
Knock knock. Hello, McFly?


Lovin' being Texican
rraley said:
Dino Rossi won by 240 votes on Election night...they automatically recounted (with machines) and hte margin was sliced to 42 votes. A third, hand recount was done in which new ballots were discovered in more than just one county and they were added to the total. In the end, Christine Gregoire won by 140 votes. That's the result deal with; another recount would only add to her lead by my estimation and a revote would cost the state of Washington too much money.

You're obviously too young to remember Texas Democratic politics in the 50's. The Democrats always delivered enough votes out of a county in west Texas to guarantee a Democrat win. Sometimes the people in the cemetary had to vote twice, but they always delivered the vote when it was needed in a tight race!


New Member
Lenny said:
You're obviously too young to remember Texas Democratic politics in the 50's. The Democrats always delivered enough votes out of a county in west Texas to guarantee a Democrat win. Sometimes the people in the cemetary had to vote twice, but they always delivered the vote when it was needed in a tight race!

Hey I know that Democrats AND Republicans do this sort of thing...its about politics, not about party when it comes to fixing elections.

As for this race, I don't think that that occurred...they counted provisional ballots that the courts said were permissible and were validated in accordance with the election reform laws of 2001.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Okay RRaley,

Looking at the data from the Washington Secretary of State’s site you will note that on the last recount there were 2,810,058 votes tallied but by reviewing the county data it shows that on the machine recount that there were 2,888,341 votes cast and that with the manual recount there were 2,884,783 votes cast. Seems like 74,000+ votes were not used for one reason or another and there was just under 4,000 votes difference between the machine recount and the manual recount. The initial tally (by the legal November 17th date showed) was 2,883,499 votes cast. Additionally several counties used electronic voting machines and did not have a paper trail. Given the narrowness of the race you would think a runoff election between the two top candidates would be reasonable considering the differences amongst all the various tallies made.

Also you say that “A third, hand recount was done in which new ballots were discovered in more than just one county and they were added to the total.” My question is how does this fit in with Washington Election Law, limitations on recounts? Which states, “After the original count, canvass, and certification of results, the votes cast in any single precinct may not be recounted and the results recertified more than twice.”


New Member
Mr. King, all I know is that the judges of the Washington Supreme Court, who know Washington election law better than you or me, decided that certain votes should have been counted.

I, for one, do not support the concept of revotes in any election...sets a poor precedent that whoever loses can try to change the vote by running another election. That goes for Democrats and Republicans.

I question if some of us here would think that there should be a revote if Rossi had won...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Mr. King, all I know is that the judges of the Washington Supreme Court, who know Washington election law better than you or me, decided that certain votes should have been counted.

I, for one, do not support the concept of revotes in any election...sets a poor precedent that whoever loses can try to change the vote by running another election. That goes for Democrats and Republicans.

I question if some of us here would think that there should be a revote if Rossi had won...
And the same was said in 2000 about the judges in Florida, but the Supreme Court said they got it wrong, go figure?

Considering that Rossi won after the initial tally, the machine recount and the first manual recount it should have been a done deal, but alas one more recount (toss out 70,000 votes) and now it is to be final with Gregoire winning only that recount.

This screams of fraud, at least in my mind.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I question if some of us here would think that there should be a revote if Rossi had won...
If he had won AGAIN, for the third time, I would say no, there doesn't need to be a revote.

This is all Al Gore's fault, anyway. He's the one that set the precedent for recount after recount, then handcounts, then selective handcounts, until he either either won or the Supreme Court told him to cut it out.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
This screams of fraud, at least in my mind.

RRaley, doesn't it strike you as odd that the R wins twice and it's not official, but the D wins once, and it's done?


New Member
Ken King said:
And the same was said in 2000 about the judges in Florida, but the Supreme Court said they got it wrong, go figure?

Considering that Rossi won after the initial tally, the machine recount and the first manual recount it should have been a done deal, but alas one more recount (toss out 70,000 votes) and now it is to be final with Gregoire winning only that recount.

This screams of fraud, at least in my mind.
I wonder what the deal is with the "lost" 70,000 votes as well, why hasn't anyone in the media mentioned that? Could we be looking at the wrong tallies or what? It seems like something like that would have been reported.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I wonder what the deal is with the "lost" 70,000 votes as well, why hasn't anyone in the media mentioned that? Could we be looking at the wrong tallies or what? It seems like something like that would have been reported.
Probably because there is no strong right leaning media in Washington. But in all honesty I only care about propriety and not who actually was the victor. Beyond Alaska and Hawaii it couldn't be any farther away from me to make a real difference in my life.


New Member
rraley said:
I wonder what the deal is with the "lost" 70,000 votes as well, why hasn't anyone in the media mentioned that? Could we be looking at the wrong tallies or what? It seems like something like that would have been reported.
QUICK!!!! Someone remind me which way the media swings politically?????? :killingme


New Member
Mr. King, I just went to the website of the Washington Secretary of State, who by the way is a Republican and has said that a revote is unnecessary in this election. And he said that he had no problem with the recounts.

I checked the results too and I don't see a 70,000 vote discrepency. Can you tell me how you reached the conclusion regarding these missing votes? From my calculations, there was only about a 1,000 vote discrepency between the machine and manual recounts and these were added votes as opposed to missing.