There's not a lot you can do with mental illness, especially when people actively seek out input that encourages and exacerbates it.
I'd like to see more mental health focus in this country, but there is a large segment of our society that thinks not getting your way in an election is cause for a legitimate mental health breakdown. They also think men can give birth and women are just a matter of opinion.
This, of course, is being fueled by bad actors in the media, who take orders from their bad actor bosses, who are being paid by the REAL ****ing bad guys. THOSE are the people we need to get rid of and send back to babbling on street corners and in NYC subways. If it weren't for them, the politicians wouldn't get away with the hateful behavior they enjoy - they'd just be dork politicians, nerds in suits like they used to be in the good old days.
Shutting these voices down would go a LONG way toward getting Democrats in particular back to some semblance of mental health, but do you really think those people would go quietly? Imagine if Trump were to make an executive order shutting these outlets down - the Left howled in rage at him kicking rogue fake "reporters" out of his pressers.