Shooting in the rain...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
love how the water droplets came out:



jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Bleeding hearts and Starflowers?

Very beautiful Jazz. :yay:

Bleeding hearts and clematis. The bleeding hearts have been blooming for about a week now but the clematis just started blooming yesterday. The other clematis (blue) I have isn't blooming yet. And thank you. :smooch:


Football addict

In the second photograph, the water droplets look like diamonds in the sun.:hot:
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:blushing: Thank you - a combination of my love for gardening and now a love for photography - a perfect blend I do think. :smile:

Great shots!---that clematis is beautiful! Bleeding hearts hold the water well too--my neighbors probably think I'm nuts cause I go out and shoot in the rain(particularly misting rain---sits on top of everything!)