Shooting people


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Now that the supremes have decided that you actually have to have a reason to deny a concealed carry permit we’ve been inundated with the premonitions of shootings for any and every possible reason. I’m wondering if it’s true, has there ever been a time that the only reason someone’s still alive is that you didn’t have a gun on you? I can’t really think of a time that I would have killed someone for something, but I’m not an overly reactive type.


PREMO Member
has there ever been a time that the only reason someone’s still alive is that you didn’t have a gun on you?

I never considered getting a weapon and shooting someone, not 40 yrs ago bullied in High School Not today with the idiots driving on the beltway.

These ' mass ' shootings in the hood these days are over social media beefs from the younger generation that were not taught respect for others and coping skills ..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Been fortunate enough I've never been approached by anyone looking to rob or attack me, even in the crappiest neighborhoods in DC or Balt.

That said, there are others who spend far more time in those places and their odds of encountering some POS with designs on someone elses money or worse, that would benefit from that kind of protection.

And if they ventilated and sent said ####bag to Hades, why thats a bonus for society at large.

black dog

Free America
Ive carried 40 years or so, a lot of interaction happens when you least expect it.
A bunch of adult responsibility goes along with carrying one, how, where, when is necessary to let the world know your pistol is not sleeping any longer. I used to work in ghettos across the country.
Most folks dont work in shitty neighborhoods or go to work after dark and so on.
Or carry lots of cash or valuable property.
Odds are ones not going to have bad interactions at BJ's in California in the afternoon, now hit the Muncie southside Walmart and its a different story. Women raped and murders in the parking lot.
I most ofter CC because it works for me, many times just resting a hand on your pistol will make some folks change plans on what they thoufht they were going to do.
Get your permits, just because you carry one doesn't mean you need to pull it out, you have the option of getting involved, maybe saving a life or two, maybe save your own life.
I would believe it would be a bad feeling to go damn, I wish I had......

Constitutional Carry starts tomorrow here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I fantasize about punching people in the face, not shooting them. It's more personal and satisfying. And not only are my hands legal for me to carry, I have managed to not punch anyone. At least not in a long time.

Anyway, studies show ( :jet: ) that areas where guns are commonplace have less crime, not more.

black dog

Free America
No a direct answer to the OP but related and shoots (intended pun) the lung out of the antis.

John Lott wrote a very good book a few years back.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There would appear to be a part of our population that thinks killing someone over too much mayo - or ANYTHING - is an acceptable response.

I did know this - punk - in Boston - who could not grasp the idea that beating someone up and taking their stuff was in any way wrong.
I couldn't convince him. In his mind, the guy should defend himself better or not be there where he could thump him. He took umbrage at the idea a cop might arrest him over it.


Well-Known Member
Now that the supremes have decided that you actually have to have a reason to deny a concealed carry permit we’ve been inundated with the premonitions of shootings for any and every possible reason. I’m wondering if it’s true, has there ever been a time that the only reason someone’s still alive is that you didn’t have a gun on you? I can’t really think of a time that I would have killed someone for something, but I’m not an overly reactive type.
Haven't been involved in a real fight since gradeschool, but I imagine the possibility of two people in a physical fight and one has a weapon it might escalate. So a few would-be ass kickings (possibly well deserved ones) a year may turn into trevon martins.

It could also give police with twitchy fingers one more excuse to shoot. "it looked like he had a gun" is an easier argument to make when they actually are wearing a gun.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The only time I was seriously threatened with harm (and with two young children asleep in my vehicle with me at the time) I was armed and had it in ready position when the the attackers backed off and retreated.

The larger point in all this - the main point to me - is that becoming a victim of a violent attack is not something most expect to ever happen. Odds are that it won't ever happen to most of us. But if it does happen and if you wish you were armed when it does, but you aren't...its too late.

Might be just my perception, but it seems like a lot of the "perps shot in act" stories lately involve mostly people defending their homes from hem invaders. That's obviously not an environment where a concealed carry permit is an issue.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It could also give police with twitchy fingers one more excuse to shoot. "it looked like he had a gun" is an easier argument to make when they actually are wearing a gun.
Given that the majority of the states in this country already have - and have had - easily obtainable concealed carry permits or outright Consitutional Carry laws...what's different now? Heck, my Utah permit is good in something like 18 or 19 states...but not in MD, of course.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Might be just my perception, but it seems like a lot of the "perps shot in act" stories lately involve mostly people defending their homes from hem invaders. That's obviously not an environment where a concealed carry permit is an issue.
Hem Invaders sounds more like a sex crime.
I fantasize about punching people in the face, not shooting them. It's more personal and satisfying. And not only are my hands legal for me to carry, I have managed to not punch anyone. At least not in a long time.

Anyway, studies show ( :jet: ) that areas where guns are commonplace have less crime, not more.
My constant fantasy is palm thrusting someone’s nose through their skull. I believe I could do it and would do it if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Given that the majority of the states in this country already have - and have had - easily obtainable concealed carry permits or outright Consitutional Carry laws...what's different now?

NY, NJ, Chicago, etc.

Do you really think the police and the populace of these areas are going to handle a transition to open/concealed carry as well as places where it has always been the rule of the land?

Besides, I was talking edge cases (as in one or two a year going a different way than they otherwise would have), not mass hysteria and mayhem.