Should you wait?

Before or after marriage if love is involved?

  • If they love each other its ok.

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Hellz no wait until marriage.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Not sure...

    Votes: 4 7.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
Spoiled said:
I think there should be a law passed on abortion that both parents need to conscent, with exceptions of course... I am however pro-choice... Pro-choice and pro-abortion are two different things...

Pro-choice and pro-abortion ARE two different things...every person has a choice the choice is just before you spread your legs........being "pro-choice" as we term it is no different than being pro-abortion.....


Active Member
Pete said:
That mentality is false, a play on words liberals are taught to sooth their consciences. It is the same as saying pro-logging and pro-cutting down trees are different issues.

I want people to be able to choose, and i am not pro-abortion in all cases, an arbiter would be nice, but that gets sticky and what not (and its not fair...)... So I just say i am pro-choice

edit: and convincing me to change my mind and that i am wrong is like beating a dead horse, its not going to die again...


Football season!
Tina2001aniT said:
being "pro-choice" as we term it is no different than being pro-abortion.....
It is plenty different. The problem is, people on the right don't have enough faith in mankind that the woman will make the "right" choice, thus they try to say pro-choice and pro-abortion are the same. I would hope that the woman would choose life, but if her circumstances dictate otherwise, I feel the option should be available.


There is a pill that is 99.7% effective for women against unwanted pregnancy, why do so many women claim to get pregnant on the pill?

I have never been a fan of abortion, but I am not for making illegal either. I don’t want women resorting to back alley abortions, because they will, look at the history.


Football addict
Kizzy said:
I have never been a fan of abortion, but I am not for making illegal either. I don’t want women resorting to back alley abortions, because they will, look at the history.
This was the point going through my head while reading the mass of posts above yours. You will not stop abortion if it is illegal. Look at the war on drugs for a better perspective.


BuddyLee said:
Look at the war on drugs for a better perspective.

I see it up close and personal every day. I work with drug users and sure it is illegal, but the State of Maryland is pitching every penny right now, so they want them out, working, seeking treatment and not being spoon fed by the taxpayers, rightfully so. If they are out working, they can pay for their own drug treatment, some say it is a crime against society, others say it is a personal self-destruction. Some say make them legal, but if they are legal, then we could have tractor-trailer, bus, and drivers roaming our streets high on drugs. A catch 22, much like the abortion issue. For every solution there is a whole new set of problems that needs to be addressed.


Dancing Up A Storm
I think you're all effed up.

If you ain't got this #### figured out after 16 pages of debate, you're never going to get it right.

Cheese 'n Rice!

It's like, you know, LIFE!! :razz:


Football addict
Penn said:
I think you're all effed up.

If you ain't got this #### figured out after 16 pages of debate, you're never going to get it right.

Cheese 'n Rice!

It's like, you know, LIFE!! :razz:
Shine your head for a nickel. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Well, I have read, maybe the first 4 or 5 pages of this issue, and most sides of the coin have been researched, but it seems to be so drawn out, it's like GEEEZUS, you peeps can't get it down right yet?

Maybe that's why this country is so effed up right now: poeple debate #### ad nauseum.

Screw or don't screw, that is the question!

Oh, mama, should I, or shouldn't I?:lmao:

PS: BL, shine you're own knob; you seem to be good at that. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kizzy said:
There is a pill that is 99.7% effective for women against unwanted pregnancy, why do so many women claim to get pregnant on the pill?
:howdy: I was on the pill when I got pregnant with my son. And I wasn't even some druggie who couldn't remember anything - I took it faithfully every day. His father and I never considered abortion and today that "accident" is a fine young man who makes me proud. :yay:

(When he's not driving me crazy, that is)


Twenty Something
Spoiled said:
Well its more than just religious, i couldnt deal with a kid. I dont want an STD, I dont trust condoms, and I dont trust a person to take a pill daily, hell I am sure I would forget if it was up to me... I am liberal on somethings and on others I am conservative and moderate...

I totally agree....I'm scared of getting pregnant (being so close to a college degree, I don't want anything to get in the way), and there are a lot of guys I just don't trust. You can never be too careful, and condoms & birth control don't work 100%.


Dancing Up A Storm
Airgasm said:
I see the


are still up!
All that seems to have been accomplished is is venue for dissent, or yeah, it's cool!

So, what's the conclusion"?

If this is a plea for "Honey, I love you, and I'll wait for you to say let's get it on", then it seems like such a waste of hyperspace.

#### or get off the pot. :confused: Know what I mean?


New Member
Someone I know don't believe in sex before marriage, so he is proposing to his gf so he can have sex........not the best reason to get married. He's 18.


Football season!
janey83 said:
I totally agree....I'm scared of getting pregnant (being so close to a college degree, I don't want anything to get in the way), and there are a lot of guys I just don't trust. You can never be too careful, and condoms & birth control don't work 100%.
fine. How about you just go down on one?



vraiblonde said:
:howdy: I was on the pill when I got pregnant with my son. And I wasn't even some druggie who couldn't remember anything - I took it faithfully every day. His father and I never considered abortion and today that "accident" is a fine young man who makes me proud. :yay:

(When he's not driving me crazy, that is)

:lol: The pill about 20 years ago was only roughly 92% effective at most. My mother got pregnant with me on the pill in the 60's, which is my point, they are not so effective, everything method has a failure gap to it.