Shoulder Pain and Work-Out Questions



After a lengthy illness, I decide to get my fatt butt back in the gym today. After warming up, I decide to start on some good ol military presses. Nothing rough.. just 20 lbs to warm up the shoulder muscles and see where my strength level is at. Anyhoo.. I go to lift up, and I get a stabbing pain in my left shoulder...all around my shoulder as a matter of fact.

I haven't done a thing to aggravate it either. No lifting, injuries. Granted, I'm getting old...but I just noticed it today.

Now, if I get on the bench machine. (where you're pushing forward instead of up) I have no problems. The butterfly machine was ok, too. Any kind of upward pressing movement results in pain though. (I suspect its the rotator cuff...because it is tender to the touch ...right on top of the shoulder joint.)
I don't have any problems rotating my arm/shoulder or doing a bent-elbow lift upwards....its only when I put weight on it and have to lift upwards. I don't think its bad enough to warrant a doctor's visit, but I want to prevent further injury and heal it.

Any suggestions? I took some Aleeve and will put some ice on it tonight.

Lastly, is working the other muscle groups in the arm ok, (triceps and biceps?) in the meantime?
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Google "frozen shoulder" and see if that could be your problem.
Hey, thanks. I looked it up... that very well could be it.. I've been sedentary for a while, healing up from sinus surgery/complications.

Looks like the treatment is pretty much the same, rest, NSAIDS, cold packs. I guess I'll hold off on the shoulder presses and "big arm days" for a while.


Well, this thing is no worse, but still the same.

Keeps me up at night now...took 2 percosets last night and still couldn't get to sleep. Stupid shoulder!
Torn Rotator Cuff

Signs and Symptoms: Typically, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the deltoid muscle at the top and outer side of the shoulder, especially when the arm is raised or extended out from the side of the body. Motions like those involved in getting dressed can be painful. The shoulder may feel weak, especially when trying to lift the arm into a horizontal position. A person may also feel or hear a click or pop when the shoulder is moved. Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon. The patient also feels pain when lowering the arm to the side after the shoulder is moved backward and the arm is raised.

Rotator Cuff Disease: Tendinitis and Bursitis

Signs and Symptoms: Signs of these conditions include the slow onset of discomfort and pain in the upper shoulder or upper third of the arm and/or difficulty sleeping on the shoulder. Tendinitis and bursitis also cause pain when the arm is lifted away from the body or overhead. If tendinitis involves the biceps tendon (the tendon located in front of the shoulder that helps bend the elbow and turn the forearm), pain will occur in the front or side of the shoulder and may travel down to the elbow and forearm. Pain may also occur when the arm is forcefully pushed upward overhead.

Check out the website for more info.... Questions and Answers about Shoulder Problems


After a lengthy illness, I decide to get my fatt butt back in the gym today. After warming up, I decide to start on some good ol military presses. Nothing rough.. just 20 lbs to warm up the shoulder muscles and see where my strength level is at. Anyhoo.. I go to lift up, and I get a stabbing pain in my left shoulder...all around my shoulder as a matter of fact.

I haven't done a thing to aggravate it either. No lifting, injuries. Granted, I'm getting old...but I just noticed it today.

Now, if I get on the bench machine. (where you're pushing forward instead of up) I have no problems. The butterfly machine was ok, too. Any kind of upward pressing movement results in pain though. (I suspect its the rotator cuff...because it is tender to the touch ...right on top of the shoulder joint.)
I don't have any problems rotating my arm/shoulder or doing a bent-elbow lift upwards....its only when I put weight on it and have to lift upwards. I don't think its bad enough to warrant a doctor's visit, but I want to prevent further injury and heal it.

Any suggestions? I took some Aleeve and will put some ice on it tonight.

Lastly, is working the other muscle groups in the arm ok, (triceps and biceps?) in the meantime?
Sounds like a torn rotator cuff. Had one on each shoulder and it took surgery to fix both.


Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?


Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?

I dunno, I havent gotten my medical degree in the mail yet.


My Sweetest Boy
Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?

I'm telling you, I bet it's frozen shoulder. Go see Dr. Herron in PF.

Is the pain worse at night when you're trying to sleep. Does your wrist hurt?


New Member
Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?

How are you getting all the prescriptions for meds if you haven't seen a doctor? :shrug:


New Member
Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?

It can heal on it's own. It may take alot or a little time. It is frustrating more than anything as it comes on over nothing!!! It is a problem to even take your shirt off!! Go see Dr Henderson in waldorf. You may have to tak some Physical Therapy to naturally speed things along. Good luck!!


Well, the pain isn't too horrible, but it is now radiating down into the elbow and hand...kind of shoots down the back of the bicep to the elbow, etc.

I can deal with it, but I wish it wouldn't keep me awake at night. I had to take a perc and valium last night. Finally got some sleep but I dont like having to take meds.

Is it possible this might heal on its own?

Anything going on like this for almost a month you really should see a doctor. I know everyone has good intentions but getting advice on a forum for a potential medical issue is a bad idea.


New Member
I would go to an Orthopedic Surgeon and/or Physical Therapy. You can have a wide range of shoulders problems as well as poor mechanics and mobility. As a Strength Coach, I would recommend getting it checked out ASAP before further damage.


New Member
This is one of the biggest reasons people (weight lifters) shouldnt do overhead lifts. They do not have mobility and stability in thier shoulders. See if you can do this exercise. They are called wall slides. You must keep shoulders, elbows and hands against the wall. If you cannot do this, mobility is an issue.
This is one of the biggest reasons people (weight lifters) shouldnt do overhead lifts. They do not have mobility and stability in thier shoulders. See if you can do this exercise. They are called wall slides. You must keep shoulders, elbows and hands against the wall. If you cannot do this, mobility is an issue.
I took a dude to a Body Pump class once only to find that couldn't bend at the waist. :eyebrow: He pumped iron and was pretty strong and all, but when it came to actual mobility... all I could do was giggle at him.


New Member
I took a dude to a Body Pump class once only to find that couldn't bend at the waist. :eyebrow: He pumped iron and was pretty strong and all, but when it came to actual mobility... all I could do was giggle at him.

Yea, bending at the waist could be a number of issues. That is one of the first things I do with a new client, look at mobility and stability. Take a look at the gym and watch what people are doing. People do what they are good at and not what is productive.

Thats a funny story!