Shula on Pats...


Well-Known Member
All Shula has done is ensure that 52-7 leaves EVERYONE'S memory with the beatdown the Fish are gonna get.


Well-Known Member
Much ado about nothing..Patriots just got caught doing what the majority of NFL teams do already and continue to do.

I think that's what pissed Bill off about this whole thing. Spying has gone on in the NFL for years. It's just that technology has improved. You ummmmm..........veteran(yeah, thats' it!!) Redskins fans remember when George Allen used to have his players invert the numbers on their jerseys for practice so the spies couldn't figure out who was who(m?)

And now you have all of these "holier-than-thou's" spouting off. And the more they rant and rave, the higher the scores are going to be. Kornheiser said it best....the over/under for Patriots' point total in the games against the Jets and Dolphins has gotta be 130.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I ..........veteran(yeah, thats' it!!) Redskins fans remember when George Allen used to have his players invert the numbers on their jerseys for practice so the spies couldn't figure out who was who(m?)

...a poor analogy. In Allen's day the NFL may as well have had leather helmets for all it has to do with today's game technology wise.

Everyone has game tape, instant photo's from any angle, during the game. Film study, computer power for sorting and analysis the rest of the week. The Pats got caught for a reason and the NFL busted dey azz for a reason; they crossed a pretty big line.

This is not the case of some NASCAR driving getting a speeding ticket in the middle of a race. They did something that warranted a pretty strong rebuke and they were doing whatever it is that they did full well knowing it was over the line.

So, the 'everybody does it' excuse doesn't add up to me.


Well-Known Member
...The Pats got caught for a reason and the ....

So, the 'everybody does it' excuse doesn't add up to me.

The reason they got caught was they were turned in by the head coach of a team they were playing. Said head coach being the Pat's defensive coordinator two years prior.

And I wasn't "excusing" it. I was attempting to explain why Billy is so incensed over the reaction to it. For the media and fans of other teams to be jumping up and down is one thing, but for other coaches.............?

You want a better analogy? How about: Younger brother takes cookie from cookie jar 10 minutes before dinner. Older brother takes cookie from cookie jar 1 minute later and younger one yells: "MOM!!! Billy's taking a cooooookie!!!!"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The reason they got caught was they were turned in by the head coach of a team they were playing. Said head coach being the Pat's defensive coordinator two years prior.

And I wasn't "excusing" it. I was attempting to explain why Billy is so incensed over the reaction to it. For the media and fans of other teams to be jumping up and down is one thing, but for other coaches.............?

You want a better analogy? How about: Younger brother takes cookie from cookie jar 10 minutes before dinner. Older brother takes cookie from cookie jar 1 minute later and younger one yells: "MOM!!! Billy's taking a cooooookie!!!!"

Again, you are saying everybody does it. Shula is saying otherwise. You are also giving Bill the benefit of the doubt and doubting Shula's motives and intentions, he of the rather spotless history.

Mangini doesn't seem to be doing it as BB hasn't pointed a finger back at him, not even when writing that $500,000 check.

Belichick cheated in a way so as to draw the serious ire of the league; not some hush, hush kick it under the carpet kinda thing.

There has also been a great deal of anecdotal comments since this came to light from other teams about their 'problems' with headsets over the years at one particular field.


Supper's Ready
I think the Patriots did cross a line they shouldn't have. But in the end if the Patriots go on to remain undefeated this year, the Spygate association will eventually just come across as sour grapes (especially from the '72 Dolphins team members).

But who knows if they'll be undefeated anyway....remember the Patriots still get to play the Dolphins this year. :biggrin: