Sick of Bill Maher...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...just getting it off my chest:

Last week the Clueless one, aka, Maher, was on FOC, Hannity and Colmes #####ing, as all 'Independents' do, in favor of a Democrat, Kerry, over the person he irrationally fears more than Saddam, Bush, this time because of those Micheal Moore 7 minutes.

Well, Mahers point was his idea of a President is a person who immediately jumps up and does something upon hearing whatever info was whispered to Bush while sitting there with the school kids.

Well, Mahers doesn't know what Bush was told in entirety other than 'we're under attack' and Kerry himself said he couldn't think for a 1/2 hour but Maher said 'give me the guy who jumped out of a boat and shot somebody!'. Nevermind Kerry's indecisiveness as a US Senator.

So here's Maher, still pathetically trying to claim he isn't just another shrill for the Democratic party. And he's in that position, famously for saying 'we're cowards for launching a few missiles'.

What he meant then, and still won't say is that Bill Clinton is the indecisive coward for making such a limp response.

And Bill Clinton is the man who waited for what, 8 years, to 'leap into action' after 5 some odd major attacks against the US.

7 minutes.

1/2 Hour

8 years

Bill Mahers unwillingness to see and admit his own overt bias is why he was run off to cable oblivion.

That it cointinues and he still insists he has independence of thought is why listening to him is useless and NOT entertaining.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Larry Gude
That it cointinues and he still insists he has independence of thought is why listening to him is useless and NOT entertaining.

I've always found that folks that scream at the top of their lungs and"I am not a bigot", "I am fair and impartial", "I did not have sex with that woman", "I do not like to wear a party hat during sex" are usually lying thru their teeth, I tune em out.


This Space for Rent
But I am fair and impartial about not being a bigot when I am wearing my party hat having sex with that woman!!!!


Dancing Up A Storm
:confused: I gotta agree with you Larry about Bill Mahers after watching a few of his talk shows.

Independent? MY @zz!! He's probably the distant, thinner cousin of Michael Moore, without the "journalistic, cinematic" abilities his relative possesses.

Anyone but me starting to get a little tired of Dennis Miller yet?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Dennis Miller stands stright up and says "I'm for Bush because I'm not stupid".

He engages all of his guests and grills them and is still friendly.

I love that.

His shtick is the same as it always was, which does not work for football. Always liked it, always will.