Simcity/Sim's Will Wright Speaks on the Future of Game Content


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
For those who aren't familiar with Will Wright, he is the guru behind such hit titles as The Sims, SimCity, SimGolf, SimCopter, and a host of other simulators.

He recently gave a lecture on what he saw as the future of game content, and how the cost of developing a game is skyrocketing because of the armies of content developers (artists, modelers, etc.) that have to be involved.

He's developing a new game, Spore, which eliminates the need for this, where 90% of content is user-developed on the fly, and he's suggesting that this may be one path that game developers can take to reduce costs.

Very interesting lecture and demo:

You have to register to watch it, but it's free and certainly worth it if you're into this sort of thing.
sleuth said:
For those who aren't familiar with Will Wright, he is the guru behind such hit titles as The Sims, SimCity, SimGolf, SimCopter, and a host of other simulators.

He recently gave a lecture on what he saw as the future of game content, and how the cost of developing a game is skyrocketing because of the armies of content developers (artists, modelers, etc.) that have to be involved.

He's developing a new game, Spore, which eliminates the need for this, where 90% of content is user-developed on the fly, and he's suggesting that this may be one path that game developers can take to reduce costs.

Very interesting lecture and demo:

You have to register to watch it, but it's free and certainly worth it if you're into this sort of thing.
Yes I agree I found that very riviting! Thank you for sharing!